Today I am revealing the 5 most costliest trees in India. You will also get an idea of the expected cost and profit from these trees. The growing zone, time and required climate conditions are also mentioned so that you can pick the suitable tree to grow in your region.
Have a look at the 10 most expensive trees in India and then I will suggest you pick 5 easiest growing trees that can generate a very good income as well. However, the choice will always be yours and you can deny my choice.
Top 10 expensive trees in India
Indian Sandalwood tree.
Agarwood tree.
Teak tree.
African mahogany tree.
Coconut tree.
Eucalyptus tree.
Moringa tree.
Neeme tree.
Poplar tree.
Malabar neem tree.
Remember, you must pick the tree according to your region’s climate condition and soil. You can check all the details about climate conditions soil and fertilizer needed for these trees by using our search box. Just type the name of the tree in the search box and you will get the complete information including project report and best practices.
Here are my top 5 picks
5 most costly trees in India
1 African mahogany tree
Just close your eyes and plant this tree in any kind of soil, any kind of climate conditions. The best thing is it can grow in heavy rainfall regions, normal rainfall regions and even in dry or very low rainfall regions like Rajasthan. Farmers are already growing mahogany trees in Rajasthan because of its climate-adaptive nature.
Farmers are doing mahogany cultivation in heavy rainfall regions like Assam. So what are you waiting for? Stop cultivating sugar cane it will not give you such good margins as trees can give.
People who are living in Uttarakhand believe in growing only poplar trees and they are missing one of the best trees to grow for profit in India. You can also contact me to get a good number of mahogany saplings by dropping an email via the Contact Us page. If you can order around 5k saplings then I suggest you reach a bulk supplier named manvsgreen.
A 10-year-old mahogany tree price in India = Rs 10,000 to 15,000.
1 acre = 500 trees.
Profit = 500 trees x Rs 10,000 = Rs 50 lakh.
Net profit = Profit Rs 50 lakh – cost 8 lahks = Rs 42 lakh.
Climate conditions
The warm climate is good for this tree.
Soil – any soil
Growing time – 8 to 12 years.
Growing zone – All over India except heavy snowfall regions.
Growing time – 8 to 12 years.
2 Coconut
You can plant any of these trees moringa, poplar or coconuts as per your region’s climate conditions. Coconut trees produce fruit 8 times a year and one coconut tree yield is 35 nuts on average. Moringa tree also produces a good number of
Some people are dependent on farming and they survive by selling seasonable crops and vegetables. They can do the multi-cropping with trees because trees will generate income after 8 to 10 years. For survival farmers should plant another crop but wisely. These farmers should grow 3 to 4 crops on the same land. Select the rooted crop and so them inside the field then grow fast-growing crops like cherry and chulai. Dig some bamboo sticks and plant the climbing crop thus they can get at least 3 to 4 crops from the same land.

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1 tree yield = average 35 nuts.
Trees per acre = 180.
380 trees x 35 nuts = 6300 nuts.
8 harvesting in 1 year = 6300 nuts x 8 times = 50400 nuts.
Average selling price = Rs 50 market price.
Average price = let’s take Rs 25 per fruit.
Profit = 50,400 nuts x Rs 25 = Rs 12,60,000.
Temp – 27°C.
Humidity – 80% to 85%.
Soil – laterite soil, alluvial and red sandy loam soil.
Soil pH – 5.2 to 8.6.
Growing zone – All south India Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh etc including some regions of North India.
Growing time – 6 years.
Buyers – Fruit industry, medicinal industry and fertilizer industry etc.
3 Sandalwood trees
First, it is legal to grow in more than 24 states of India except for two or three regions. No doubt it is one of the most expensive trees in India. Indian farmers are not growing this on a large scale for 2 reasons. The first one is unaware and they assume planting Sandalwood is banned in India. Secondly, this tree needs more care and attention compared to others.
Host tree selection and care is one of the biggest challenges in Sandalwood cultivation. Sandalwoods are dependent on the host trees and they will collapse if host trees get affected by disease or any other reason. You can sell it via government channel and their offered price only. The government price is less in comparison to the market price.
Profit – By investing around Rs 10 lakh in a farm containing 350 trees 2 crores can be achieved after 10 years by selling them at the government rate.
Climate and growing zone
Temperature – 4°C to 45°C.
Growing zone – All over India especially in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Soil pH – 6.5 to 7.5, grows in almost all soil.
4 Agar tree
At the moment it is the most costly tree in India even more expensive than Sandalwood trees. But they need good care and heavy water therefore they usually grow in heavy rainfall regions only. The main problem is resin formation in agar trees and resin is the by-product of the tree that contains all the values. It is banned by the government in many regions so please check the status in your state before starting agarwood cultivation in India.
Profit cost
Investment Rs 7 to 10 lakh in 8 to 10 years.
Resin price per kg – Rs 2 lakh to Rs 5 lakh.
By planting 700 trees farmers can achieve 9 crore after 10 years.
Temp – 20°C to 30°C.
Humidity ranges – from 75 to 85%.
Water – 2000 mm and 4000 mm per year.
Soil – Sandy, red, yellow, podzolic, clay sandy and loamy soil.
Growing zone – Assam.
Growing time – 8 to 12 years.
Buyers – Agarbatti and the perfume industry.
5 Bamboos
Although the Indian government has declared bamboo as grass they don’t look like grass so I am counting them as a valuable tree. Perhaps, the government has taken the initiative to declare bamboo as grass to promote bamboo cultivation in India on a larger scale. Growing bamboo is quite easy and it can grow in almost all regions. By using bamboo you can easily reduce the fencing cost of your farm by planting them at the boundary of all your farm. I suggest not only planting them inside the farm but also at the boundaries and using them as big walls or big gates because they can easily grow 100 to 200 ft in 2-3 years only.
Profit and cost
Rs 2 lakh to Rs 3 lakh.
Profit after 5 years = Rs 9 lakh.
Tropical climate.
Soil – pH 4.5 to 6.
Humidity 75 % to 85 %.
Growing time – 5 years.
Buyers – Farmers, construction industry.
Hopefully, you got an idea and can start profitable tree farming in India of your choice. If you still need any help or have a query please drop it down in the below comment box or directly email me.
Most profitable trees to grow in Tamilnadu
Who is the mahogany wood buyer?
Sell the wood to the music industry, ship and boat making industry and high-quality furniture industry.
Where to sell agar tree wood?
Agarbatti industry, perfume industry etc.
Name some of the most profitable tree farming in India.
Mahogany, sandalwood, agarwood, moringa and coconut trees.
Which is the costliest tree in India?
The agarwood tree is the most costly tree in India.
Which are the top 3 costliest trees in India?
1 Agarwood.
2 Sandalwood.
3 mahogany.
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5 most profitable trees in India