Americans usually grow American elms, Japanese maples, red maples, flowering dogwoods, palm trees, dragon fruit trees, blackwood and peach trees. UK farmers often grow flowering cherries, cut-leaved Japanese maple, evergreen magnolia grandiflora, Jackfruit tree, olive tree, camellia, apples, peach trees and Christmas trees etc.
Today I am revealing the five most expensive trees that can be grown in almost any country, some need extra care and some need no care. The trees that need no care are my favourite.
The reason for growing some specific trees is shared. How many trees will be good enough to plant in one acre for good revenue is discussed in this post. You can grow these high-income trees in USA, UK or India as well.
5 Most profitable trees to grow in UK USA and India
Agarwood tree
$1098097 is the approx revenue from 700 trees. In 1 acre of land around 500 to 700 trees can be planted, for better yield 500 trees are good. Agar tree gets ready for harvesting in 12 years however some farmers are harvesting them after 8 years but getting a lesser yield. The tree needs a good amount of water and develops well in every rainfall region. Hawaii in America is one of the good rainy regions so farmers can try it out there. Scotland has good rainfall but snowfall also occurs, and some parts of England are idle for growing agar trees. In India, farmers are already doing agar tree cultivation in Assam state.
However, agar tree income returns are huge, even more than sandalwood trees still people are not able to generate income. It is one of the toughest trees to grow due to good-quality resin formation. Yes, developing good quality resin is always a challenge for farmers and only some farmers are able to make money from trees like agarwood.
Resin is a dark black substance in liquid form released by the tree while treating its own wound. That resin is collected by farmers and sold in the market, resin is usually formed after 8 years.
Read this – Agar tree resin formation explained
Sandalwood trees
This is one of the most expensive trees to grow. It is a myth that permission is required to plant the tree instead permission is required to cut the tree from your government forestry. In India, farmers are doing commercial sandalwood cultivation in Maharashtra and Mysore and generating good revenue.
By planting only 350 trees farmers are generating Rs 2 crore in India which means $243974 is achievable in the USA. They are one of the most costly trees in the world due to the need for host plants. Yes, an equal or double amount of host plants is required in sandalwood farming in any place. Actually, sandal trees are unable to take direct nutrients from the land instead they use the roots of other trees to get the rich land nutrients for survival.
You may like – How many sandalwood trees per acre and farm income
Host trees need good care so that sandal trees can survive for longer thus it becomes costly cultivation. These trees can be harvested after 12 to 15 years however 25 years are idle maturity time for them.

Mahogany tree
As I said I like those trees which need very low maintenance and care and here it is. mahogany is a tree that does not need any type of care and maintenance however in the beginning 1 to 2 years you need to pay some attention towards its growing stage. This is a tree which do not need much water and normal fertilizers are required for the tree. You can use fam yard manure, cow dung etc. Similar to the neam tree its leaves are also self fertilizer so it hardly needs any fertilizer after a few years. Mahogany leaves are used for mulching and as a compost fertilizer.
Don’t miss this – 1000 African mahogany tree profit
Due to good durability, mahogany wood is used for making ship decks and boats. It is used in making high-quality reddish brown furniture and musical instruments like veena and guitar. Its natural shine makes it preferable for decorative furniture and architectural work as well.
Its multiple use in wider sectors makes this wood precious and 1 mahogany tree price after 10 years in USA might be around $122 to $183. By planting 1000 trees 122 x 1000 trees = $122000 can be achieved which is around 1 CR in India. The good thing is that you don’t need a good investment amount for this tree it is one of the cheap trees to plant.

Peach trees
20 to 35 kg fruits can be obtained from 1 tree and if 500 trees are planted in 1 acre then 30 kg x 500 trees = 15000 kg fruits can be obtained from 1 acre land. One kg peach price in India varies between Rs 125 to Rs 350 depending on the variety, season and availability. Profit from 1 acre might be 15000 kg x Rs 125 = Rs 18,75,000 (17,634 pounds sterling), (22,888 USD). Due to suitable weather and climate conditions, peach tree cultivation in United Kingdom is done on a wider scale.
African Blackwood
African blackwood is found in around 26 countries. It is probably the costliest tree in the world and its price is 8000 pounds which is 7-8 lakh Indian Rs. According to its name, it is black in colour and found in African regions. It can be planted for the next generation because these trees need 70 to 100 years to attain a respected timber size.
Read this – How many trees per acre
What is the expected tree farms profit per acre?
350 sandalwood tree = 190051 pounds sterling, 246,503 USD, Rs 20212000.
1000 mahogany tree profit = 188064 pounds sterling, 243901 USD, Rs 2 crore.
500 agar tree profit = 846,360 pounds sterling, 1097555 USD, Rs 9 crore,
500 peach trees profit = 17,634 pounds sterling, Rs 18,75,000, 22,888 USD.
135 macadamia tree profit = 698999 pounds sterling, 90629 USD, Rs 74,31,000.
Can peach trees grow in India?
Yes, they are mostly found in hilly regions. Garhwal and Himachal farmers are doing peach cultivation in India.
Name some easiest trees to grow in UK.
Silver birch.
Willow, osier.
Common beech.
What is the fastest-growing privacy tree in the UK?
Golden bamboo.
Tulip poplar.
Pleached hornbeam.
Which are the UK’s fastest growing trees?
Silver birch.
River birch.
Italian Cyprus.
Red maple.
Weeping willow.
Lombardy poplar.
Dawn redwood.
Read more
300 sandalwood trees per acre and 600 host plants
Agarwood cultivation profit per acre