Guava farming profit and cost in 1 acre

By planting only 115 trees people can get a net profit of Rs 5,41,250 by the 10th year. One guava tree can produce up to 100 kg of fruits after 10 years. Guava yield per acre, cost and profit margin are shared in this blog post.

Quick Overview – Profit Rs 5,41,250, yield per tree 100 kg, plants per acre 115.

Brief intro – It is a medium-sized tree native to tropical and subtropical regions. Guava is one of the popular fruits in India. It is an easy-growing tree which doesn’t need much care and is able to produce good returns.

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Guava cultivation practices

For beginners the best farm practices are given below:


Allahabad safeda, Lucknow 49, Anakapalli, Banarasi, Chittidar, Hafshi, Sardar, Smooth green Arka mridula, Nagpur Seedless, Dhudhe khaja, Arka Amulya, Baruipur.

Best climate

Entire India has good growing conditions for guava trees. Guava plants can easily survive at an elevation of 1600 ft above sea level. The climate for growing this fruit should be dry with distributed rainfall throughout the year. High wind velocity is not suitable for growing trees. Wind velocity ranges from 18 to 24 km per hour is ideal for cultivation.

Rainfall required for cultivation

In one year 1000 to 2000 mm of rainfall is required. 

Temperature required – 23°C to 28°C.

Soil requirements

This sweet fruit tree can grow in almost any soil but the best soil for guava is clay and sandy loam soil with good drainage and high organic matter.

Soil PH level – Soil pH should be around 5 to 7 pH.

Irrigation requirement

Irrigation during the fruiting stage increases the fruit size, fruit health and fruit production. Guava tree needs to be irrigated every 7-10 days in summers and 25 days in winters. An irrigation system is a far better system for improvement in any crop production.

Fertilizer requirements 

Organic fertilizer is best for any crop to grow healthier. Organic manure and inorganic fertilizers are also used for guava cultivation in India.

Fertilizer dose – Fertilizer is applied in three split doses:  Fertilizer 33% – month February, 33 % in May and June, and the remaining in September.

Propagation methods

Guava plants are propagated either by seeds or by vegetative methods.

Seed propagation – Seeds for guava propagation are obtained from ripe guava fruits. In the month of August or February, the seeds are sown in the raised soil bed nursery. Once the seedling reaches the height of 10 to 15 CM they are replanted in the main field which later becomes a tree.

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Patch budding is done in the month of May-June In which the scion of length 2.5 cm from one seedling is removed and it is tied to another exposed rootstock with the help of a polythene strip in such a way that the buds are left uncovered. 

Vegetative propagation – Air layering, cuttings, and mound layering. Growth regulators are used to perform air layering methods. In this method, tree shoots of 1 cm are selected and a ring around 2 cm is cut below the bud area. 

Land preparation

Most of the time rectangular plots are used for easy cultivation. Before digging the pits the land was harrowed, plowed, and leveled. Pits of 0.6m x 0.6m x 0.6m is prepared. For better growth of plants, you can mix 20 kg organic manure + soil + 500-gram superphosphate after 18-20 days. 

Guava plants per acre

One can plant 115-120 guava trees in 1 acre with a spacing of 6 x 6 m. 

Tree distance

When you are planting 120 trees then the plant spacing should be 6m x 6m.

Disease and pest

Disease – Phytophthora fruit rot, stylar end rot, wilt, guava rust, anthracnose, canker.

Phytophthora fruit rot – 0.2 % diathane z – 78 is used to control this disease. 

Stylar end rot – 0.3 % copper oxychloride in 15 day interval. 

Wilt – Aspergillus niger strain AN17 @ 5 kg/pt.

Guava rust – Controlled by spraying 0.1 % of bordeaux mixture. 

Anthracnose – Spring 3% copper oxychloride can control this disease. 

Canker – Lime or bordeux mixture is used to control this diseaes. 

Common pests – fruit fly, bark eating caterpilar, pomegranate butterfly, castrol capsule borer, stem borer. 

Guava yield per tree

A 10 year old guava tree can produce 100 kg of fruits.

Grafted plant yield – 350 kg per tree.

Seedling plants yield – 90 kg per tree of fruits. 

2-year-old guava plant yield – 2 to 5 kg fruits per tree. 

Tree yield per hectare – 25 tonnes. 


Guava plants grown through the grafting method can bear fruit in the third year. For rainy-season crops, the harvesting time is August – September. Whereas for the winter season crop harvesting takes place in the month of January or February.

Post harvesting

Remember, under normal conditions, you should store guava for only 2 to 3 days because it might get perishable for holding too long. The fruit should be sent to market immediately or it should be stored under cold conditions of 8 to 10 degrees for 2 to 5 weeks.

Major guava-producing states in India

Maharashtra, Bihar, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, and Tamilnadu. After mango, banana and citrus the guava is in number 4th position.

Guava Farming Project Report

Guava farming cost per acre
Plants per acre = 115 plants.
1 Plant cost = Rs 30, Rs 50.
Planting material cost = Rs 50 x 115 plants = Rs 5750.
Manure and fertilizer cost = Rs 7,000.
Insecticide and pesticide cost = Rs 5000.
Labour cost = Rs 20,000.
Land preparation cost = Rs 10,000.
Irrigation cost = Rs 15,000.
Electricity cost = Rs 10,000.
1 year cost = Rs 72,750. 
Calculate cost for next 9 years. 
9 year cost = Total cost –  plant cost = 67000.
9 year cost = 67000 x 9 = Rs 603000.
Guava cultivation 10 year cost = Rs 603000 + Rs 5750 (plants).
10 year cost = Rs 608750.

Guava profit per acre
Guava trees per acre = 115 guava plants per acre.

Yield per tree = A 10-year-old guava tree can produce 100 kg of fruits.
Trees per acre = 115 trees. 
Multiply all trees planted in 1 acre with 100 kg to get the yield per acre 
Yield in 1 acre = 115 trees x 100 kg = 11,500 kg 
Guava price per kg = Rs 40 to Rs 150 or more according to the season.
Let’s take the average guava price Rs 40
Guava Profit for 10th year = Rs 40 x 11500 kg = Rs 4,60,000
Guava farming profit per acre (10th year) = Rs 4,60,000.
5 year old guava tree can easily produce 30-35 kg per tree
If 30 kg fruit is produced per year till the 10th year, then: 
30 kg x 115 trees = 3450 kg. 
Profit = 3450 kg x Rs 40 (guava price) = Rs 138000.
Profit for 5 years = Rs 138000 x 5 = Rs 690000.
Net Profit = Rs 690000 + Rs 4,60,000 = Rs 11,50,000.
Net Profit = Profit per acre – Cost per acre.  
Net Profit = Rs 11,50,000 – Rs 608750 = Rs 5,41,250.

Note – This is the assumption of the guava project report. Profit and actual value may differ according to the variety, location, marketplace, demand and supply.


How much space does guava tree need?

For 112 plants spacing is 6m x 6m.

When should I plant guava?

Guava planting should be done during the monsoon season.

How much time does the guava tree take to grow?

Guava tree needs 2 years to grow and after 2 years they can bear 4-5 kg of fruits after 10 years guava tree bears 100 kg of fruit. 

What is guava yield per tree?

A 10-year-old guava tree produces 100 kg of fruits. 

What does the guava plant cost in India?

The cost of a guava sapling varies between Rs 25, Rs 30, Rs 35, Rs 50 to Rs 100 according to the variety.

How many guava plants per acre should I plant?


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