Sandalwood tree price after 15 years might be Rs 15,000 to 20,000. By planting 350 sandalwood trees in 1 acre farmers can generate a net profit of Rs 20212000. This blog helps you to get the average sandalwood farming cost and profit, a gentle project report is given in detail.
One Sandalwood tree weight after 15 years may be around 2.5 to 3 quintals (200 to 300 kg). They are not very tall trees, 20 feet in height. Heartwood has all the value in the Chandan tree. A 10 year old Chandan tree price per kg is around Rs 15000 to Rs 20,000. This is because the tree produce average 10 kg heartwood after 10 years.
Sandalwood cultivation in India
It is also known as Chandan and Srigandha tree in India. Red and white sandalwood are two types of it. White tree is mostly grown in India due to the soil suitability and appropriate climate conditions, red sandalwood price is also growing day by day. Sandalwood tree price mainly depends on its heartwood quantity and quality.
The tree is evergreen and most expensive wood in India. It can be grown in any season however, winters are not recommended to grow this costly plant. It grows well in most soils including sandy soil but clay soil is not recommended for growing this plant.
It grows between 5°C to 47°C therefore it can be grown all over the India. One just need to check the soil type and soil pH level. For red sandalwood cultivation pH level between 4.5 to 6.5 is preferred and for white pH level more than 7 is suitable. This plant needs less water, you need to protect it from more water so never overwater this plant.
Sandalwood growing zone
Price of sandalwood tree in India
It is one of the most expensive tree in the world. The price of Sandalwood per kg in India is around Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 accordingly. Whereas, the sandalwood government price is Rs 6000 to Rs 6500 per kg heartwood.
Sandalwood price depends on the oil content of heartwood and weight of sapwood. One sandalwood tree weight after 15 years might be between 180-200 kg with 10, 16-24 kg heartwood.
The heartwood price is Rs 15,000 to 20,000 per kg and Rs 6000 to Rs 6500 per kg, government price. One good tree produce around 16 to 24 kg heartwood. Sandalwood tree weight after 10 years would be around 130-160 kg with 6 to 8 kg heartwood.
Price of 1 tree depends upon the weight of heartwood (oil content) and sap wood of the tree. Generally, 10 to 15, 20 year old tree contains 10 to 24 kg (heartwood) weight.
Currently Sandalwood price per kg is between Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000. If a 10 year old tree is of 10 kg (heartwood), let’s take minimum selling price Rs 14,000 x 10 kg = Rs 140,000 will be sandalwood yield per tree.
Sandalwood sapwood price – Rs 40 to Rs 140. In a 3 quintal tree 1.5 to 2 quintal is sapwood weight.
Chandan plant price in India
Sandalwood plant price varies between Rs 30, Rs 50, Rs 70, Rs 100 as per variety and availability.
Sandalwood tree price after 15 years
The current price of Sandalwood tree is between Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000. This is a 15 year old tree price and it may go above Rs 30,000 to Rs 45,000 after more 15 years.
Sandalwood harvesting permission
Growing Sandalwood is not banned in India. Anyone can grow and harvest this tree in India. No permission needed during planting but permission required while harvesting.
To get permission for harvesting it is necessary to show the Khasra khatauni papers of your Sandalwood farm to the government officer. You have to mention on another paper that you will plant double plants after sandalwood harvesting.
This is the mandatory rule of Indian govt to maintain the ecosystem of nature. So, one must prepare the land paper during the sandalwood plantation period mentioning about number of plants and host plants in the paper.
The land should be pure agriculture land, you can not plant it on any commercial land, govt land, or residential land. Harvesting is not illegal only permission required during harvesting.
It is advised not to sell your trees to any unknown organization especially foreign country companies. Selling the wood to Indian market is not illegal but sell them through proper channel made by the government.
Sandalwood tree weight after 10 years and 15 years
When the fragrance starts coming from the tree the tree starts gaining weight. It is bit technical but fact about the Sandalwood tree. They are not very tall trees and grows up to 20 feet only. Whereas melia dubia, eucalyptus and teak grow up to 55 to 70 feet.
Due to not being a very tall height, they don't gain much weight and one Sandalwood tree weight after 15 years is expected around 200 kg to 300 kg. Whereas a 5 to 6 year old melia dubia tree weight is around 500 to 700 kg due to its tall height of upto 65 feet. One can book profit from melia dubia tree farming in less time as it is one of the fastest growing trees that grows in 6 to 7 years only. Red Sandalwood tree weight after 10 years is expected around 200 kg to 250 kg.

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How to start Sandalwood farming in India
To start and set up your farm follow the below given details practically.
Where is sandalwood grown in India
Karnataka, Telangana, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and farmers are also growing sandalwood in Rajasthan. Except heavy rainfall regions this tree can grow through out the India due to climate and temperature's adaptive nature.
How to plant sandalwood tree
Seed sowing and plant cuttings are used. You can collect seeds from the 15 to 20 years old sandalwood tree. August to March months are best for seed collection.
If you have your own nursery then it is advised to dry the seeds in sunlight before semination on nursery beds. Sunken and raised beds are two types of seeds beds that should be available in nursery. (Pits size given in above paragraph).
A seedling will take 7 to 8 months to grow up 30 to 35 cm on nursery beds. Transplant the plants in the main field when they reaches the height of 30-35 cm. Make sure there should be no water in the pits, dig the pits 2-3 days before planting seedlings.
Expose the pits to the direct sunlight so that pests can be damaged and pits can dry out completely. Your plant will take at least 4 years to blow flowers however, they will reach the height of 5 to 6 feet in the first year only.
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When to plant sandalwood
It can be planted through out the year but it is advised not to plant this precious plant in winters.
Sandalwood tree growing period
Sandalwood tree takes 15 to 20 years to mature. It can live more than 100 years. The price of the chandan tree depends on the oil content of heartwood, maturity plus heartwood weight and it is believed that old trees have more financial values.
It is a soil friendly tree and can be grown easily in sandy soil or other soil but avoid loamy, clay soil. Sandalwood trees can be grown in any type of drained soil with good organic matter. It is highly recommended to go for the soil test if you are planning for commercial cultivation of sandalwood. The soil pH range of 6.5 to 7.5 is preferred.
In sandalwood cultivation water requirement is very low, choose a farm where water could not stand. You should provide little water to your plants and after 6 years you can reduce giving regular water to the plants. Access of water may cause heartwood rot in the tree.
These trees needs only 2 to 3 liters water weekly. Providing control water to trees reduces disease chances. Moreover, uncontrolled water is the main reason of disease in chandan trees. They can be grown between 5° C to 47° C and they are easy growers if hosts are selected wisely.
Land preparation
Ploughing is the first and very basic step in all type of farming it is done to bring the soil to fine tilth stage. Weed removal process is the next important step in farm preparation. After these two steps prepare the beds in such a way that excess water can drain out quickly in case of heavy rains.
It is good to dig the pits size of 47 x 47 x 47 cm. After digging pits it is advised to not to plant immediately instead check stagnant water in the pits then leave the pits in the sunlight for couple of days so that pests can be destroyed.
The tree will start flowering after 4 years of plantation and it will start producing fragrance after 8 year of plantation. To reach these years you should help your plants by removing unnecessary weeds on regular basis followed by controlled water schedule.
How many sandalwood trees per acre
There is various advises in market people use to say more plant you will plant then more benefit you can gain but it is a myth because sandalwood farming has a different farming modal. It needs double host trees or at least equal host trees. If you can't plant equal hosts then you should apply the 2: 1 formula means 2 sandalwood plants and 1 host plants this will allow you to provide more space to your plants.
One can plant around 400 (chandan) x 400 (host) plants with 10 feet distance.
In standard plantation 300 sandalwood plants and double hosts plants (600 host plants) are required. So, plant 300 sandalwood x 600 host plants.
Sandalwood and host plant ratio
1 sandalwood: 2 host plants (Recommended).
1 sandalwood: 1 host plants (good enough).
2 sandalwoods: 1 host plant (at least).
Sandalwood plantation spacing
Spacing depends on your plant quantity for more plants 2.5 and 4 meters, 5 x 10 for better growth and 15 x 15 for best growth.
Generally, 8 to 10 months old seedlings of 30 to 35 cm height are used for transplanting in the main field. These plants are first prepared in nursery beds.
The pits size of 47 x 47 x 47 cm should be dug during land preparation. The plant to plant distance need to be 10 feet.
In sandalwood farming you can go with a mix of different fertilizer categories. You can choose (FYM) rotted farmyard manure as fertilizer, biofertilizer, organic (recommended) and little bit chemical fertilizer. Remember don't over fertilize your plant, controlled fertilizer will result in better sandalwood tree yield.
- Cow dung.
- Green leaves manure.
- Vermicomposting.
- Garden composting.
Bio pesticides
- Cow urine, Cow dung.
- Dhatura.
- Neem tree leaves, seeds kernel.
- Bamboo straw.
Plant care
Similar to mahogany, chandan plant does not demand for much care. Mahogany wood is one of the top 10 costly wood in India. This plant doesn’t need much water so avoid overwatering Chandan plant. Less water and clean farm results in fast growth of the plants.
Instead of overwatering it will be better if you will not give water to the plant for weeks. Don’t ever start srigandha cultivation in the place where water use to stand. Chandan tree price also depends on its care so do take a good care of it.
Pest and diseases
Sandalwood plant diseases are rarely found therefore the tree needs less care.
Insects pests
- Nyctemera lacticinia or Cramer.
- Purpuricenus sanguinolentus (Olivier).
- Trabala vishnou (Lefebvre).
- Toxoptera aurantil (Boyer de Fonscolombe).
- Tratodoes monticollis (Gray).
- Tajuria cippus.
- Hyposidra Talacwalker.
- Hotea nigrorufawlaker.
- Eumeta crameri.
- Defoliators.
- Calodia Kirkaldyi Nielson.
- Cardiococcus bivalvata (Green).
- Eumeta Crameri (Westwood).
- Pulvinaria psidii Mask.
- Coccid.
- Black spot fungal.
- Phellinus noxius.
- Phytoplasma.
- Spike disease.
Sandalwood harvesting time
Generally, this tree needs 30 years to grow mature. Good yield is expected from 15 year old red and white sandalwood trees as well. Inform forest department of your region during white and red sandalwood harvesting period to avoid illegal harvesting activity.
After harvesting the heartwood is transferred in the mills where softwood removal process takes place.
It is widely used in cosmetic industry, sandalwood powder and oil is made by heartwood of the tree. While making cosmetic products heartwood is first converted into powder then this powder is being soaked for couple of days later it used for making essential oil and sandalwood cosmetic products.
Just awesome, keep it up signup trending nature ..
Marie Jones
DOR Magazine // Chief Editor.

Red sandalwood plant and white sandalwood plant
- Red sandalwood ph level - pH 4.5 to 6.5.
- White sandalwood ph level – pH level above 7.
- Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab contain 7.5 soil pH therefore white sandalwood farming is done in these places.
Sandalwood verities in the world
- Australian Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum).
- Indian Sandalwood (Santalum album).
- Santalum obtusifolium.
- Baphia nitida.
- Myoporum platycarpum.
- Eremophila mitchellii.
- Adenanthera pavonina.
- Myoporum sandwicense.
- Osyris lanceolata.
- Santalum haleakalae.
- Santalum lanceolatum.
- Santalum ellipitisum.
- Red sandalwood (Petrocarpus santalinus).
- Santalum austrocaledonicum.
- Santalum freycinetianum.
Host plants for sandalwood in India
It is recommended to first search best host plant for sandalwood according to your region. Without host plants sandalwood tree can't survive they need them to intake food. Hosts are planted with main plant with a calculated distance.
Some of the best host plant for sandalwood are arhar, pomegranate, babool, neem, apple and ashoka tree. In north India, you can select arhar plant for 2 years, pomegranate and for long period host you can select babool, neem tree and melia dubia tree.
Avoid orange and tangerine fruit tree as host because these fruits are sensitive and may die early after their nitrogen consumption by sandalwood plant. Early host tree collapse results in sandalwood plants collapsing. The reason, it is impossible for Chandan plant to survive without host trees.
Yes, there is a bit more effort you have to put for sandalwood plantation. It is one of the most costly tree in India, not only in India it is one of the most expensive tree in USA, Europe as well.
Requirement of host plants for sandalwood
Sandalwood needs host plants because the roots of sandalwood do not take food (nitrogen, phosphorous, potash) from the ground themselves; rather they get nitrogen (npk) from the roots of other trees.
Therefore it is necessary to plant host trees in Chandan cultivation. Select nitrogen fixture plants such as Neem, Agastya, Kari patta, kajorina plant etc.
List of host plants for sandalwood in India
Some of the best host plant for Sandalwood tree are Khejadi tree, Gular tree, Karungali tree, Mustard tree, Hollong tree, Jarul tree, Datura tree, Apple tree, Ashoka tree or Peepal tree. Before selecting host trees check the needed whether conditions and compatibility between host and main tree.
Sandalwood host plants list temporary
- Henna plant (6months).
- mimosa plant (6months).
- Arhar daal (2 years).
- Pomegranate.
Chandan host plant list permanent
While selecting permanent host for Chandan plant choose a plant that lives more than them or at least 15 years.
Some long living best host plants for sandalwood tree are neem, babool, melia dubia, gooseberry (amla), mahogany and Jamun tree etc.

Image credit goes to Pixabay
Avoid these crops in sandalwood farming
Due to host plant farmers have advantage of mix cropping. Select such plants that are nitrogen fixture. Avoid grain, rice, sugarcane, orange, citrus and keenu fruit.
Sandalwood tree facts
Srigandha tree snake wrapping is wrong this rumor was deliberately spread to scare the thieves of precious sandalwood. Rather, the reality is that the tree produces fragrance after 8 years. When fragrance starts coming from the tree it means the tree is gaining weight.
IWST Bangalore
IWST Bangalore training – IWST stands for institute of Wood Science and Technology, it is a government institute where you can get sandalwood training.
Contact number of Jaswant Singh Dhillon 9988192676 – He lives in Rajasthan, Ganganagar and he is performing sandalwood cultivation in Rajasthan from last 5 to 6 years. If you have any query you can call him at the given number.
Where to buy red sandalwood plant
As per law in farmer can cultivate sandalwood and can also sell it to the local market after getting harvesting approval. Hence, it is recommended to purchase Chandan plants from the government organization rather than any private organization. It will also reduce the chances of fraud.
IWST Bangalore is an government organization that belongs to science and wood department.
In India only government can sell sandalwood plant to anyone. Farmer can purchase and sell plants in Indian local markets only. Before harvesting they need to take permission from the government including forest, horticulture, department. While selling sandalwood you need to approach the government and show your Khasra paper showing details about the number of plants and land.
Where to sell sandalwood plant
When your sandalwood tree is ready to harvest you must inform forest department. Forest department will start further process after checking your sandalwood farm.
Remember, you can’t sell it directly to any foreign company or organization it will be noted as crime. However, it can be sold in the Indian local market.
Sandalwood tree uses
There are various verities available in the world market. Indian and Australian sandalwood are most famous among all other verities these both have excellent commercial value in the market.
In India it is available in various colours including white, red and yellow colour. However, these are costly plants but gives extreme chance of intercropping. Heartwood, bark and essential oil are the main parts in sandalwood cultivation however, the leaves are used as animal fodder moreover it can be used as organic fertilizer like Malabar neem leaves.
Its wood, branches, leaves, flowers all are sellable and heartwood has a higher price comparatively all other bioproducts. The tree wood and bio products are used in perfume industry, oil industry, cosmetics, medicines, ayurveda and highly demanded in worship materials.
- They are mostly used for making perfumes and deodorants.
- The tree oil is essential oil and used in various health problems including stress, anxiety, hypertension, cramp.
- Its wood and leaves are widely used in religious activities.
- Its paste and oil are good for health.
- It is mostly used for treatment in Ayurveda sector.
Sandalwood tree name in India
Sandalwood Tree Common Name in India
- Chandan.
- Safed Chandan.
- Malayaja.
- Shrigandha.
- Gandhasara.
- Chandrakanta.
- Sarpavasa.
- Aninditha.
- Arishtha Phalam.
- Bhadhrashraya.
- Thailaparna.
- Sandalwood.
- Sandal.
- Santalum Album.
Sandalwood Tree Local Name
- Chandan (Hindi).
- Candana (Bengali).
- Canana (Punjabi).
- Candana (Gujarati).
- Candana (Marathi).
- Gandhapu Chekka (Telugu).
- Cantana (Tamil).
- Raktacandanam (Malyalam).
Sandalwood plantation project report
Sandalwood tree cost per acre
1 acre = 400 plants.
1 plant price Rs 30, Rs 50, Rs 70, Rs 100 (best quality).
If 1 sandalwood plant price is Rs 100.
Sandalwood plant cost = 400 plants x Rs 100 = 40,000.
Host plant cost = 400 plants x Rs 15 = Rs 6000.
Total plant cost sandal wood + host = Rs 46,000.
Note – Host plant price depends on the selection of the host.
Other cost including plants cost
Cost for 1st year
Plants cost | 46,000 |
Irrigation | 50,000 |
Fertilizer | 20,000 |
Land Preparation | 10,000 |
Labour cost | 15,000 |
Plant protection | 6000 |
Miscellaneous | 5000 |
Total | 152000 |
Note - Add 25,000 harvesting charge in 10th year and irrigation charge will be 20,000 per year (1st year drip installation). After adding all cost the estimated cost will be 7 lakh 88 thousand for 10 years.
Rs 7,88,000 is total cost for 10 years in sandalwood farming.
Sandalwood farming profit per acre
Sandalwood farming income
one sandalwood tree weight after 15 years might be between 180 to 200 kg with 10 to 24 kg heartwood, 65-70 kg sap wood.
We are calculating the figure for 10 years.
If 1 tree is producing 10 kg heartwood after 10 years (sapwood not included).
You have planted 400 sandalwood plants and only 350 plants are in good condition after 10 years.
1 tree = 10 kg heartwood.
350 trees = 10 kg x 350 = 3500 kg heartwood.
Thus 350 trees will produce 3500 kg heartwood.
1 kg heartwood price = Rs 15000 to Rs 20,000 (Rs 6000 to 6500 government price).
Let’s take only Rs 6000 per kg.
Then 3500 kg heartwood x Rs 6000 = 21000000.
Total Profit = 2 crore 10 lakh.
Net profit = Profit – Cost.
Net profit = Rs 21000000 – Rs 788000 = Rs 20212000.
Net Profit = Rs 20212000.
So, this is a brief calculation of sandalwood profit per acre hope it will help you.
Health benefits of sandalwood
Sandalwood oil skin benefits
- Maintains natural glow of skin.
- Helpful in reducing skin wrinkles.
- Skin aging prevention benefits.
- Helps to reduce skin itching and skin infection problem.
Sandalwood oil health benefits
- Helpful in maintaining blood pressure level.
- Works as memory booster.
- Useful in viral infection.
- Stress and anxiety reliefer.
- Prevents cramp.
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A very informative article.
Thank you Pushapwant ji.
very very useful information.
thank you
Mr. Parag thank you so much for the appreciation.
Gained a lot of Knowledge through the above article. I appreciate the effort made.
Thank You!
Thank you Mr. Patel.