World Soil Day is celebrated every year on 5th December to raise awareness about soil health. The day celebrates the importance of soil and tells how soil is interconnected with the environment, ecosystem and agricultural production. World Soil Day theme 2023 was “Soil and water, a source of life”.
World soil day importance and ideas
The importance of the soil day is celebrated in schools just as a formality. To complete the formality school principals and owners often give a small speech on stage about the environment and saving soil. There are no specific classes to educate students about soil, only theory classes occur sometimes without any fixed timetable.
From my childhood days to the present day, I am connected to schools. I have not seen any great improvement in schools regarding agriculture and soil awareness among students and teachers. The main reason is there is no specific teacher for agriculture in schools who teaches about soil and agriculture practically on the ground.
Theory classes are not enough and they cannot make a good impact on agriculture and soil on students which is required.
Read this – Different types of soil
There are science labs in schools but there are no agriculture labs in schools which shows the low interest of the school in agriculture and soil. Only giving speeches on stage is not enough; there should be compulsory agriculture laboratories in every school similar to science labs.
There are compulsory English, Maths, Science, Economics, Hindi and Sports teachers but there are hardly any specific Agriculture teachers posted in schools. With this structure, people and politicians talk about environmental change. I ask, is this possible with this incomplete structure?
Schools are the beginning of any nation and development because students after passing school-colleges become teachers, doctors, officers, politicians, economists, sportsmen etc. How many want to become a farmer? It is a shaking question in the agricultural country India.
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The government should pass a law to post 1-2 agriculture teachers in each school who will teach practically on the ground about soil, environment and agriculture. This will really and practically impact and create awareness among several students.
There are agriculture colleges in which students learn about agriculture and they can be placed in school as a teacher after having some practical experiences.
Only speeches and slogans cannot change the world, there should be some practical solutions like compulsory agricultural teachers in every school.
National Soil Day
In Thiruvananthapuram, the Department of Soil Science is conducting a national soil seminar at Vellyani Agricultural College on Dec 5 and 6. The World Soil Day program will be inaugurated by Vice Chancellor of Kerala University of Agriculture B Ashok. C Keshavchandran will address the function with some keynotes. He is the head of the CSIR-NIIST environment technology division. Roy Stephen Dean of Agricultural College also attended the event on 5 Dec 2023.
On December 6 a national seminar on soil-water coexistence for sustainable agriculture will also be held in Vellayani College of Agriculture. Literacy competitions for students and science exhibitions on the importance of the soil have also been organised.
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Jagdish Vasudev Sadguru save soil movement
Jagdish Vasudev is popularly known as Sadguru in India. Jagdish is the founder of the non-profit Isha Foundation and started a Save Soil movement in March 2021.
Jagdish ran the movement on his motorbike and began the movement by starting the 30,000 km long motorbike Journey throughout 27 countries over 100 days.
Sadguru soil quotes
Whether you and life consciously or unconsciously determine the nature, context and quality of your life.
To reverse the threat of soil extension we must come together as one force.
Without addressing the soil it is impossible to address climate change and sustainability.
Inactivity and expression, each human being may be different. But in terms of essential life, every human being is the same.
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