Date palm cultivation project report India | date palm farming in India

1 tree produces 200 to 300 kg dates, 60 trees in 1 acre, standard price of khajoor Rs 200 per/kg, 200 kg x 60 trees = 12k kg, 12k x Rs 200 = 24 lakhs from 1 acre

Today we will help you to understand one of the most profitable farming date palm farming  project report. 

Let's dive in deeper

Topics Covered

  • Date palm farming profit calculation
  • Investment required in date palm cultivation
  • How long does date palm take to grow
  • Dates farming profit in India
  • Pollination of date trees
  • dates pollin market and price
  • Date palm tree baisan
  • dates trees in India
  • date palms growing zone
  • Is date palm good for health

Is date farming profitable

Yes date farming could be one of the most profitable farming in India. Like dragon fruit farming date farming also has tremendous potential. Demand is high and production is low therefor price is high, hence it makes good opportunity in business. 

Date palm cultivation in India

In India date palm cultivation still needs to become popular. I guess investment is not only the reason behind low popularity of date farming. It is unawareness about the huge advantages of the hybrid tree. Today date palm cultivation is growing day by day the cultivation has reached few states. Date palm cultivation in Rajasthan, date palm cultivation in

Gujrat, date palm cultivation in Kerala and Karnataka.

These states are well known for date farming. If the number of states will  keep growing in date farming then dates farming profit in India will surely increase in future.

People thinks that it is a desert plant so it will only grow in humid and desert area but thangavel from Nagpur has proven that it is not only the cultivar of deserts, it can grow in rich soil as well. One just need to protect the fruits from heavy rain.

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 Date Palm Cultivation project report

Let's calculate date farming profit in 1 acre land- 

  • On 1 Acre land you can plant 62-65 plants 
  • 1 tree produces 160-200 kg dates 
  • Price of 1 kg date varies between Rs 150-200 some time above Rs 300
  • Lets take 60 date trees 
  • If 1 date tree produces on an average 150 kg dates
  • 60 trees x 150 = 9000 kg dates 
  • 9000 x Rs 180 = Rs 16,20,000 / Rs 16 lakh twenty thousand
  • Reduce your investment cost approximately 4 lakh 
  • 16,20,000 - 4 lakh = 12 lakh twenty thousand net profit from 1 acre land in one year

Note - We have given just an example with minimum value you can put the actual value and calculate profit it may be higher. Date palm cultivation benefits are significant if practiced in right way. 

How much investment is required in date palm farming

It is one time investment in date farming business. In one acre land you can plant 62-65 plants and you have to invest Rs 5-6 thousand per plant it includes yield all the fertilizer, water and electricity bill and other care. If 6 k is an investment then 6k x 65k = Rs 390,000 will be your one time investment in date farming business. These trees are capable of producing fruits for more than 100 years.

Note - Among 65 trees you need 60 female trees and 4-5 male trees for pollination. 

date trees

How long does it take a date tree to produce fruit 

Are date palms fast growing - No date palms are not fast growing trees moreover, 3 to 4 years old date tree is able to produce fruits. After 3 years date tree grows only 2.5 to 3 feet tall and produces few kg fruits. It takes minimum 6 years to produce good amount of dates and after 7-8 years it delivers around 200 kg dates per tree. However, it takes time to grow but it is good for health and has good demand in medical sector. 

What is intercropping how it is helpful in date palm cultivation- 

As date trees are slow growers you should do intercropping, means with date trees you can cultivate other crops as well it will not harm date trees and boost your confidence it is also healthy technique for date palms.

Although, date palm cultivation is huge profit making cultivation but at the same time it needs more time and patience so you can start intercropping for present source of income. Hence, you can grow turmeric, tomato, ginger, bitter gourd, capsicum, pulses, sunflowers etc along with date trees. 

Date Palm is known as khajoor in the Hindi language.

Top ten date palm producing countries

  1. Egypt 
  2. Saudi Arabia
  3. Iran
  4. Algeria
  5. Iraq 
  6. Pakistan
  7. Sudan
  8. Oman
  9. UAE
  10. Tunisia

Date palm nursery - Gujrat (Atul company), Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan

Fertilizer required in date palm farming

Chemicals are not required use only organic for better performance. Chemicals are always harmful and used in quick artificial process. Date tree will take time to grow and organic fertilizer is well known for long and healthy benefits. Cow dung manure is more than enough. According to Savi Thangavel a successful date farmer (Nagpur) it is given twice in a year one before fruiting and then after fruiting for new fruits.

How do dates pollinate - Date plants perform the process of pollination naturally by wind, bees, insects. Tissue culture or commercial plants need to be pollinated. 

Is plant pollination necessary - Yes, pollination is a part of lifecycle in plants. Plant pollination is necessary for fruit set. 

How are date palms pollinated

Take some male pollen and mix some cotton (kapas) then put it into the middle of female plant flower tie it hard and the process is done.

How far apart should palm trees be planted - There should be 20-25 feet distance between two date palm trees. For better fruit results, it is important to flow full canopy. 

What is pollen / Use of pollen - Pollen is plant sperm. For fruit germination pollination process is necessary. It is one naturally done by air, insects, bees and other insects. 

Price of dates pollen 1 kg - You may surprise after hearing the price of 1 kg dates pollen is Rs 30 thousand per/kg. It is a huge topic itself. I will try to write on this topic because its a topic which people are not much aware of. And its my responsibility to increase the awareness, please comment below if you need a full detail guide on the pollen topic.

How many date palm trees per acre

60-65 date trees are enough for one acre cultivation. These are big size trees that has flowing canopy, hence need space for good fruit set. While asking, how long does it take to grow date palm tree? It needs 4-8 years although it starts delivering fruits after 3 years.

For extraordinary results one have to wait for 8 years. After 8 years date tree can produce 150-200 kg fruits from a single tree. After 15 years it can produce above 300 kg from a single tree. It is able to produce fruits for more than on hundred years therefore it is highly recommended in the list of one time investment business for long term profit.

Are date palms poisonous - No date palms are not poisonous. It can only upset the stomach of dogs if consumed in excess. 

Date Palm Growing Zone

In the United State date palms are cultivated in zones 9 to 11. It is also grown in zone 8 where it requires shelter to get protected by cold whether. Dates palm are widely cultivated in the Northern Africa, Middle East and South Asia followed by many tropical and subtropical regions of the world.

Phoenix sylvestris is 4 to 15 metre tall and its diameter is 40 cm leaves of the tree is 3 metre long. The origin of the tree belongs to India. It is also known as Indian date palm, silver date palm, wild date palm or sugar date palm. It is native to most part of India, South Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The palm tree fruit of this species is used to make wine and jelly. It is the species of flowering plant.

Date palm trees are preferred to cultivate in dry arid zone. Date trees usually grows about 65 to 70 feet long that is 20 to 21 metre. There trunk is cylindrical in shape the fruit of date trees are around 1 to 4 cm long with 2.4 cm diameter. Palm fruits are consist of one seed only with brown colour flesh outside. Although, it is a warm region tree and can easily survive in extreme temperature but it needs low humidity at the fruit development stage to avoid the fruit cracking.

Recently date palm oil mission has been sanctioned by central government. 

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