10,000 kg yield can be obtained by planting 10k plants in 1 acre and around Rs 78,500 net profit can be achieved after 2.5 years. This post tells you about the pineapple yield, profit, cost and best practices to get a higher yield.
Pineapple yield per acre – Average 11 tons and up to 18 tons (after best practices).
Pineapple yield per hectare – Average 30 tons and up to 70 tonnes yield can be achieved with best practices.
A well-researched comprehensive “Project Report is prepared to help you.
Know your plant
Pineapple is a herb with a short lifespan. It is a perennial plant with an average height of about 0.8 to 1.5 meters, it has a long sword-like waxy leaf containing a sharp spine. Leaves are green, red, yellow, or ivory in colour, especially in the middle portion. Its plants have shallow type roots. The crown has a straight stem of about 2 to 3.5 cm in diameter. The pineapple fruit is yellowish in colour, it is a fleshy and juicy type of fruit.
Pineapple Farming Project Report
Cost per acre
Plants in 1 acre = 10,000 pineapple plants per acre.
Plant material cost = Rs 40,000.
Land preparation cost = Rs 10,000.
Weeding cost = Rs 12,000.
Labour cost = Rs 25,000.
Harvesting cost = Rs 6000.
Mulching cost = Rs 3,500.
Refrigerator cost = Rs 25,000.
Irrigation cost = Rs 25,000.
Fertilizer cost = Rs15,000.
Insecticides and pesticides = Rs 10,000.
Total cost = Rs 171500.
Pineapple yield per acre
Yield 1 acre = 10,000 kg fruits can be obtained.
1 kg pineapple price varies between Rs 25, Rs 45, Rs 80, and more.
Let’s take a minimum price of Rs 25.
Profit = Rs 25 x 10,000 kg yield.
Profit = 2,50,000.
Net profit = Profit per acre – Cost.
Net Profit = Rs 2,50,000 – Rs 1,71,500.
Net Profit = Rs 78,500 is the Pineapple farming profit per acre.
Note – The price may vary according to the marketplace, variety, and availability. This project report will help you to figure out the approximate pineapple farming profit per acre and cost.

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How to start pineapple farming
Proper irrigation, water, soil, fertilizer, growing season, harvesting time and all these details are given here.
Please follow the basic steps given below step by step. You can also find all these steps in a sequence through a table of content that is given at the top of this post, let’s begin.
Read about – How many pinapples per acre to plant
Growing zones
In the 19th century, the first successful commercial pineapple cultivation was done in Hawaii. It is a healthy fruit and farmers can achieve a good profit by doing its cultivation. This tropical plant grows comfortably in tropical conditions.
The fruit is native to South America, this plant is majorly cultivated in Brazil and Paraguay. In the beginning, growing pineapples commercially was an expensive task because this fruit-growing cost was higher and it was usually used as display material at dinner parties.
Growing zones in India
Commercial pineapple farming in India started 40 years ago. Its cultivation in India is done majorly in West Bengal, Assam, Bihar, Nagaland, Tripura, Meghalaya, Karnataka, Manipur, Kerala, and most of the states.
Pineapples are divided into 3 major groups as Cayenne group, the Queen group, and the Spanish group.
Cayenne group – Smooth Cayenne, Giant Kew, Kew, Typhoons, Hilo, Charlotte, Champaka, Baronne de Rothschild.
Queen group – Queen, James queen, Victoria, Comte de Paris, Common rough, Mac Gregor, Alexandra Ripley queen.
Spanish group – Red Spanish, Singapore Spanish, Selengor green, Nangka, Gandol, Betek, Castilla, Espanola roja, Cabezona, Pina de Cumana.
Climate requirements
Heavy rainfall conditions are preferred for pineapple tree farming,1500 mm annually. Pineapple fruit cultivation is suitable to cultivate in the seacoast region with a minimum temperature between 15.5 to 32° C. These plants can easily survive at an altitude of 1525 meters above sea level. These plants do not grow well in low-temperature shady areas and indirect sunlight.
The pineapple growing season in India is the rainy season.
Growing time – 5 to 6-month-old suckers bear flowers in 12 months however, crowns take 19 to 20 months after planting to produce flowers.
Flowering time – February to April.
Fruiting time – July to September is the fruiting season.
Temperature requirements – 15.5°C to 32°C.
Soil requirements
It prefers well-drained soil with a slightly acidic nature. While cultivating, avoid choosing heavy clay soil instead you should choose light soil including sandy soil, alluvial soil, or lateritic soil.
Plant soil PH – 4.5 to 6 pH.
Irrigation requirements
Pineapples need a good amount of water. Hence, a high rainfall area is suitable. Assam is the largest pineapple-growing state in India, a high-rainfall region. Proper watering is required and good irrigation should be done in 20 to 25 days. Per day water needed for this plant is 1.3 to 5 mm.
Propagation methods
Farmers in pineapple farms in Costa Rica use to practice some of the popular propagating methods such as planting crowns, planting slips or suckers, and sometimes seeds or tissue culture were also used by farmers.
Suckers or slips – Choose a sucker or a slip of 350 grams to 450 grams weight, it is considered to secure more platelets from 1 mother plant.
Cuttings – Kew pineapple variety can grow from leaf cuttings. To practice this you should remove the dried leaf from the base of the sucker and then trim it with the help of a trimming tool.
Slips – Diazinon solution 5 ml 0.1 % in 4.5-liter water is prepared for killing the pests on slips.
Land preparation for pineapple
First, select a suitable plough for digging and levelling the land. While land preparation for growing pineapple in Uk trenches is formed first. Depending on the soil type and texture, the width of the trench is about 85 to 90 cm and the depth is 16 to 30 cm approximately. Usually, crowns take a longer time to grow (bear flowers in 20 months) therefore suckers (bear flowers in 12 months) are used for commercial pineapple farming in Australia, India, or globally.
Planting material is dried under the sun for 3 to 4 days as a plant treatment process before planting it. Buds from the suckers are not buried in the ground while planting. Rainy seasons are preferred for planting pineapple crops. Furrow planting, bed planting, contour planting, and trench planting are 4 types of planting methods depending on the topography of the farm.
Fertilizers for pineapples are as important as other requirements such as soil, water etc. Provide high nitrogen and potassium quantity to your plant for proper growth and higher pineapple yield per acre.
Fertilizer application time – Apply nitrogen in 6 split doses, 1 dose after 2 months of the planting period and the last dose till the 12th month of the pineapple season.
Phosphorus and potassium are applied after 6 months of planting. Potash is applied in 2 doses and light irrigation should be given after applying the fertilizer to the plants.
Fertilizer dose – Arrange 600 kg of nitrogen, 400 kg of potassium, and 150 kg of phosphorus per hectare. If required, provide 20 grams of nitrogen to the plants just before the flower induction process. Apply organic manure to the pits during the planting time and after that, you can perform the mulching practice.
Diseases and pests
Disease – Wilt, Root rot, Phytophthora heart rots, Fruitlet rot.
Wilt – Avoid soil moisture for a long time to control this disease.
Bordeaux mixture of 2 grams of copper oxychloride per litre.
Fruitlet rot of pineapple– Disease caused by soft rot bacterium.
During the rotation of crops, fruits should not come in contact with soil and people should wash their hands before post-harvest management.
Pests– Mealybugs, Nematodes, butterfly larvae, Rodents, Birds.
Mealybugs solution – Basudin EC 0.2% in 4.5 litre water, spray 60 percent of this basudin spray.
Nematodes – Nematicide is helpful, treat the plant material by dipping it into oxamyl nematicide.
Butterfly – Sevin insecticide can be applied to plants before flowering and if there are more insects like butterflies then it can be used at regular intervals.
Rodents control – Rodenticides can be used to control rodents.
Pineapple plant harvesting takes place after 2 to 2.5 years from the planting period. The plant bears flowers after 12 months and it is able to produce fruits after 18 to 19 months. Fruit ripening occurs after 5 to 6 months of the flowering period. The fruits are harvested after complete ripening i.e after 20 to 24 months, however, for canning the fruits are harvested at a bit earlier stages.
July and August are typical harvesting months for this fruit whereas some varieties are also harvested from December to March months. 70 tonnes is the average pineapple yield per hectare and the ratoon crop is 50 tonnes per hectare. There can be two ratoon crops after the main crops. Ratoon crop production can be done for 4 years if the soil remains in good condition.
Post-harvest management
Pineapple shelf life is 15 days in normal climate conditions. However, in commercial farming refrigerators are used for storing them. These fruits are stored at 10 to 13°C for an average of 20 days with 80 to 90 % humidity. Bamboo baskets are preferred everywhere and used for storing fruits during pineapple farming in Brazil, the USA, India, Thailand and the Philippines etc.
Top pineapple Producing countries
India holds the worldwide fifth position in pineapple cultivation but somehow even after holding the fifth position its cultivation in India is not able to touch the landmark which it deserves. In the world, Costa Rica holds the first position.
The Philippines, Brazil, Nigeria, Indonesia, Columbia, and the United States of America are listed as the top pineapple-producing countries.
What is the pineapple yield per tree?
By nature, pineapples are aggregate fruits meaning they form clusters of small flowers basically purple in colour.
How long does pineapple take to grow?
It needs 2 to 2.5 years to get ready for harvesting.
How many pineapples per hectare can be planted?
42,000 to 45,000 pineapple plants per hectare can be planted.
How many pineapple plants per acre can we plant?
10,000 to 12,000 pineapple plants can be planted in 1-acre pineapple farm.
Which state is the largest producer of pineapple in India?
According to National Horticulture Board (NHB), West Bengal is the largest pineapple producer in India followed by Assam.
Who is the largest producer of pineapples?
Commercial pineapple farming in Costa Rica is done on a large scale. Costa Rica is located in Central America and is the largest producer of this healthy fruit.
How many pineapples per acre does a farmer get?
Average 10,000 kg to 18,000 kg after best practices.
What is the pineapple yield per hectare?
Average 30,000 kg to 65,000 kg after best practices.
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