How to make organic fertilizers for plants step by step

Sir Albert is father of organic farming in agriculture. This blog tells you about premium methods of organic farming in India. These methods are already implemented in Indian villages and moving towards city's.

Organic farming is done majorly in Indian villages. It is a chemical less practice performed to grow plants and vegetables healthy in long run.

By the end of this post you will be able to answer:

1. How to prepare organic fertilizer and pesticides. 2. How to start gardening? 

3. What is organic farming, its methods, definition, benefits.

4. Research foundations, impact of organic farming on environment and why it is called environmental friendly. 

Lets dive deeper

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Methods of organic farming 

Farmers can easily prepare their organic pesticides and fertilizers which is cheaper than chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It might take a bit more time to grow the crop in comparison to conventional farming but it is a more reliable and healthier way it is also good for the environment because it is natural so do not produce any poor pollution.  

You can prepare needed bacteria and micro nutrients for the crops in your farm. There are different options available that can replace urea and dap which also consist of nitrogen, phosphorous and other resources. 

Organic farming is divided into two types integrated organic farming and pure.  

Product's required for organic farming

  1. 1
    Cow Manure or dung 
  2. 2
    Cow Urine 
  3. 3
  4. 4
    Big drums around - 15 to 20 kg (capacity)
  5. 5
    Lentils paste (dalhan- daal ka aata)
  6. 6
    Gram flour (besan)
  7. 7
    Soil 2 to 5kg- ficus religiosa(bodh tree), banyan tree, soil near lake 
  8. 8
    Branches and leaves of Neem tree
  9. 9
    Mixture of all the above in one acre - feed 2-3 bora's 

How to make organic fertilizer at home

Organic fertilizer for plants  

The process of making fertilizer by cow dung and cow urine - First collect cow dung according to the need for better results you can collect at least 100 kg cow manure and dry it for 4-5 days by spreading in a shade. When it dried completely rub it from both hands till it looks like tea patti.

Meanwhile, fill a drum with cow urine along with 20 kg jaggery (known as gur in India) shake it daily morning and evening so that jaggery and cow urine can be mixed up comfortably. Jaggery will increase the counts of microorganisms (crores) in cow urine.

In 100 kg dry cow dung mix the above liquid (cow urine + jaggery) 20 kg. Add 2 kg gram flour or lentils paste (dalhan) then add 2 kg soil. If possible bring soil near by neem tree, banyan tree, ficus religiosa (pipal tree) or beside a lake, pond because these soils contains a good number of bacteria's. 

Now mix all of the above and your organic fertilizer called ghanjeeva amrit  is ready.  

Let me make it more clear what you have added to prepare the fertilizer- 

100 kg cow dung, 2 kg jaggery, 2 kg gram flour or dalhan, 2 kg soil. 

Use this organic fertilizer in place of DAP but remember use only 2-3 sack or maximum of 4 in one acre of land, don't use over 4 sacks.

Now your fertilizer is ready to use. Spread it all over the land and produce good crop organically. 

Termite control in organic farming

If you are facing the problem of termite then try this formula at once - 

put 30-40 kg weed straw in a drum then add the solution (water) of waste decomposer to it, leave it for 15-20 days to rot. After it rots completely take 5 litre liquid of it and mix it with 15 litre's clean water then spray it on your plants and farm. Thus you can solve the termite problem.   

Organic fertilizer preparation

Take 30 kg neem twigia smash it well and put it in a drum then add 10 kg gram flour, 10 kg jaggery 6 kg dalhan which is available at your home. Then fill the drum with the water of waste decomposer, pack it well as an air tight container (don't allow air to pass) for 30 days. Use it after thirty days and it will fulfil almost requirement that is required for plants as micro nutrients. Remaining nutrients can be cover by another container. 

In another container add iron, zinc and copper then add water of waste decomposer fulfill the drum it will take 15-20 days to get ready. By applying theses two methods plants will get all the required nutrients. You can use these techniques by spraying process.

How to make organic pesticides at home 

organic pesticides

First arrange some neem twigia and leaves, hemp, kaner, papdi, aankh etc wash all of them to remove dirt. Then cut all in small pieces and boil it for one day after boiling remove the solid form and collect the liquid in a bottle. Remember it is now highly concentrated poison so don't use it directly. 

Only one glass should be added to 15-16 litres water later you can exceed it to 1.5 to 2 glass but not more than two because of high poison content. I repeat pay high attention while using it don't use more than one glass in the beginning if necessary then only try to exceed it. 

Note - Add only one glass of pesticide to 15 -16 litres water.


knowhow person2

Very informative techniques. Using your techniques in my garden. 

DANA MOORE  //  Designer

knowhow person1

I have implemented the technique to one of my farming business and somehow it works.  

MARC JACOBS  //  Business Analyst

Prepare organic fungus spray for plants

organic spray for fungus gnats - for making organic fungus killer you need a pot then fill it with lassi, add any small item of copper it may be copper wire, bolt or anything.
Then cover the pot with a cloth tie it hard and don't allow air to pass then dig it in the mud.  Leave it for 40 days, after 40 days it will become powerful fungicide.

Add only one glass of this fungicide in 15-16 litres water tank and mix well. Now its ready to spray on your plants and kill fungus. 
Note - Add only one glass of the fungicide in 15 -16 litres water. 

By implementing all of the above methods you can easily perform your normal cultivation or jaivik kheti (organic farming). It is not expensive and also in reach of every person you just need to open your eyes. 
Look at the nature; Everything is already arranged we just need to take advantage by implementing them.

Definition of organic farmingAccording to Wikipedia - it is an in integrated farming system that strives for sustainability the enhancement of soil fertility and biological diversity. 
Organic farming is an agricultural system which originated early in the 20th century in reaction to rapidly changing farming practices. 
In other words it can be described as a system of agriculture which supports environment by reducing the dependency on chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Environmental benefits

Reduces dependency on harmful chemicals. 
Encourages uses of cow manure and urine which is absolutely environment friendly.
Useful contribution to maintain soil quality. 
Consumes less energy in comparison of conventional methods.

Basic examples of organic farming are: Use of animal manures and crop rotations. Cow dung, cow urine, green manures etc. Use of natural products including earthquakes, dalhan, hemp, jaggery to make organic fertilizers and pesticides.
Organic farming is divided into two types integrated organic farming and pure organic farming. 

Why farm organically
The main reason behind organic farming is environment health and farmers are also thinking about it therefore they are leaning towards organic farming apart from this one more important reason that effects wealth of farmers is farm chemicals require energy intensive manufacturing process that has huge dependency on fossil fuels. In comparison this organic farmers are in much more comfortable and profitable position.

What is certified organic
Certified Organic - In this products must be produced according to organic standards as certified by one of the certifying bodies. The grower wish to get certified by organic body. To ensure the authenticity of the organic products the national standards was established in 2000.

The certification is issued by the testing centres approved by APEDA that stands for Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority. APEDA is working effectively since 2002 in the category of organic food as legal advisory. 

Organic farming vs conventional farming 
However, farmers are grown with conventional farming techniques but its time to change and start organic farming practices so that next generation can easily adopt organic farming skills.
I am not against anything but I want to say that we should change according to the  time and conventional farming ideas are bit older so its time to replace them by modern farming concept in which we can choose organic farming with a little mix of chemical farming.

However, excess of chemical farming is not good for health but at the same time it will be difficult for farmers to grow everything organically the main point is “change also needs time to change”. 

Even dhoni is also growing organic vegetables, he has organic farming and organic food store. Dhoni is presenting good example as a role model, people who follow dhoni should also follow his organic farming tips. 
organic farming

Organic farming vs chemical farming 
Let us understand the difference between organic farming and chemical farming we can’t deny the presence of chemicals in our agriculture sector. The truth is very clear that most farmers want to grow extra crops in less time therefore they usually uses chemicals and pesticides.

I want to draw your attention towards timings of the farming. Farmer should try to do organic farming while cultivating such cultivars that takes more than a year because organic farming needs time and 1 year is more than enough for organic farming.

It takes around 40 – 45 days to prepare effective organic pesticides some time it becomes difficult with such cultivars that grows within 2-3 months therefore farmers need to prepare their organic products earlier. These all preparation becomes much easier in long term farming goals.

Today it is hugely promoted by not only the Indian government but also by the US government, UK Government and the rest world. The growing popularity of organic farming can be gauged from the fact that now schools are making their students participate in essay writing on organic farming. Schools are guiding students to write organic farming essay in english, hindi, kannada, french or in their local languages.


  • Easy and affordable farming
  • Improves productivity
  • Beneficial in long term 
  • Decrease investment and increase profit
  • Support's nations economy 
  • Encourages villagers by the good use of cow dung and urine
  • Reduces dependency on chemicals 
  • Environmental friendly


  • Bit slow in starting, but steady
  • Labour required for big farms

Organic farming is very easy. Every farmer can easily perform it, no extra effort and expense is required. One thing farmers can do here they can arrange some tools accordingly to remove the grass manually. By adopting organic farming your investment will decrease, productivity will increase so automatically you will get more benefit.

Today very few farmers are doing organic farming and the main reason behind this; they might have faced some problem in starting days and got some loss due to the improper knowledge this is the reason behind the discouragement of farmers. But if farmers will take proper knowledge which is not difficult then they can make good benefit.  

Only one thing is required in organic farming and that is hard work you need to give some time and be patient it will definitely produce results.

Organic farming research foundation (O.F.R.F) - It is a non profit organization founded in 1990 it works in favour of organic farming by the research technique so that lots of farmers can become part of organic farming. Click here to know more about the (O.F.R.F) research foundation.

E book available - You can find E book at the Right sidebar (bottom) in desktop view and bottom of the post in mobile view. 

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Paul Simons

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Good techniques described. I will definitely try. Could not stop myself to subscribe..

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1 thought on “How to make organic fertilizers for plants step by step”

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