Kadaknath egg price in India Rs 14 to Rs 40

Kadaknath chicken and egg prices are more than the broiler thus making a huge difference and are ahead broiler poultry farming business. One can generate good revenue in blackbird poultry farm business. While comparing kadaknath vs broiler or desi chicken one can definitely earn a good amount in kadaknath business under the best poultry farm management practices. 

Kadaknath egg price in India Rs 14 to Rs 40

Kadaknath egg price in India varies is between Rs 12, Rs, 14, Rs 15, Rs 16 Rs, and Rs 20 according to the locality, season, demand and variety. This is the price of a single egg of this black hen kadaknath. Sometimes the price of eggs raises up to Rs 40 per egg according to demand and availability. Now you can imagine how profitable this livestock farming will be if practised correctly. If you want to start kadaknath farming in India then click the given link for detailed information about this blackbird.

Read this – 5 most profitable animals to raise on a small farm

Kadaknath farming in India

Kadaknath is a black colour tall hen used for the poultry farm business. Madhya Pradesh Jhabua district is famous for kadaknath breed. While making a business plan you must purchase high-quality breeds at a satisfactory rate. You can purchase this bird reasonably from the Jhabua district of Madhyapradesh.

Indian cricket star Mahendra Singh Dhoni is also known for kadaknath farming as well as organic vegetable farming, he is doing both farmings at his farmhouse situated nearby Ranchi Bihar. Kadaknath bird farming in India is mostly done in South India including Karnataka, Kerala, Hyderabad Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra. Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan are hubs of kadaknath farming where people used to rear this black bird for business purposes as well as for their cultural activities.

Kadaknath chicken price in India

The minimum price of kadaknath chicken is Rs 700 to Rs 800 per kg and it increases up to Rs 1400 to Rs 1600 per kg according to the demand and season.

Kadaknath egg vs Normal egg

Kadaknath egg is bigger and brownish in color.Normal eggs are comparatively small and white in color.
Contains more nutrient content.In comparison to kadaknath anda these eggs are less in nutrients.
1 egg price varies between Rs 14 to 21.Lower in price (Rs 5 to Rs 6).
Contains more protein.Contains protein but is lesser than Kadaknath murga eggs.
Not easily available in the market.Easily available in the markets.

Is kadaknath chicken healthy then broiler?

Yes, while comparing kadaknath vs normal chicken nutrition kadaknath is more healthy.

Kadaknath Chicken

  • Fat content is less.
  • Fat content is between 0.70 % to 1.05 %.
  • A good amount of proteins.
  • Meat is good for endurance.
  • Due to vital health benefits, Olympic players also prefer its meat in comparison to normal chicken meat.
  • Meat contains vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B12, and E.
  • Meat contains a good amount of amino acids, phosphorus and iron.

Normal Chicken

  • More fat content.
  • Fat content is between 12 to 26 %.
  • Less protein comparatively.
  • Fewer health benefits.


Why are kadaknath eggs costly in comparison to normal chicken eggs?

Due to its rich protein content, health benefits, benefits for athletes and other nutrient content kadaknath eggs are costlier than broiler eggs. The black bird eggs are valuable for asthma patients.

Is kadaknath egg black in colour?

The colour of kadkanath eggs is not black instead they are brownish or pink-white in colour. However, the meat’s colour is greyish-black.

Is kadaknath egg tasty?

Yes, kadaknath eggs are very tasty. These eggs are rich in protein and 100 grams of egg contains 11.67% protein with 1745 Kcal.

Is kadaknath chicken tasty?

Yes, kadkanath chicken is tasty. However, you may feel it differently while eating the first time.

What is the speciality of kadaknath eggs?

Kadaknath eggs contain high protein value including other nutrient content in comparison to broiler eggs. These eggs are dubbed “Diet Eggs” beneficial for every person and reduce headaches. This egg is also beneficial for asthma and tuberculosis patients.

How many eggs does kadaknath give one time?

A female bird gives 10 to 12 eggs in a month and generally, it gives one egg at a time.

What is the lifespan of kadaknath bird?

The life span of this bird is 12 years.

How many eggs does a kadaknath lays in a month?

These hens are poor brooders and give only 10 to 12 eggs in a month. Kadakanth hen can produce 100 to 125 eggs in a year.

Is kadaknath farming profitable?

Yes, it is a profitable farming modal when performed with care and planning.

Does kadaknath hatch?

Yes, kadaknath bird hatches egg.

How long does kadaknath egg take to hatch?

Generally, they take 5 to 7 hours to hatch. Some birds take 12 to 18 hours and some may take up to 24 hours to hatch eggs completely.

What are the different types of kadaknath varieties?

There are mainly three types: 
Golden, Jet black and Penciled kadaknath.  

What is the weight of kadaknath bird?

Male bird weight – 2.2 kg to 2.7 kg,
Female bird weight – 1.5 kg to 1.7 kg.
Chicks weight – 25 to 30 gram.

What is the price of kadaknath chicken meat?

Average price – Rs 700 to Rs 800
Price during the season and festivals- Rs 1400 to Rs 1600

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How to start kadaknath poultry farm business

Kadakanth farming best practices

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