Kandali plant farming business | STN

I was born in a Garhwali family where the Kandali plant is used to punish naughty kids. Kandali plant in English is known as stinging nettle and Urtica. Stinging nettle belongs to the Urticaceae family and is a native plant of the European region.

This plant is called bichu booti in Hindi, Kumaon, and Garhwal. Kandali plant in Uttarakhand is found mostly in the hill regions of Garhwal and Kumaon.

Kandali plant in Hindi is known as bichu grass.

Most Asian people use stinging nettle roots for the treatment of urine-related problems such as frequent urination, inability to urinate, nighttime urination, irritable bladder, and painful urination.

Kandali plant information

Stinging nettle has a long and diverse history for food medicine cordage, dye, and textile- clothes.

History in brief

Nettle fibres were used for the production of textiles in central Europe. Nettle production in Europe began in the 19th century (bredmann,1959) and during the first and second world war, fibre nettle was promoted as a substitute for cotton. You can find stinging nettle worldwide in America, Europe, India, etc

Stinging Nettle Farming

Where do nettles grow in India?

Stinging nettle loves soil with good moisture. In North America, it grows alongside streams, rivers and creeks. The jungle plant likes fertile soil full of organic full sun or partial shade suits the nettle very much.

In India, we can find stinging nettle in Uttarakhand in a very huge quantity. It is known as kandali /bichu ghaas in Garhwal and Kumaon.

In Uttarakhand it was hardly used for benefit earlier it was used only for forage crops for animals because of a lack of knowledge. 

If you are living in Uttarakhand you must have seen this important weed. Now lots of people have started to take advantage of this free weed. 

kandali/stinging nettle

Required temperature  

  • For germination of stinging nettle, high altitude areas are the best (cold weather, hill areas).
  • It grows alongside streams, rivers and creeks. Therefore you can find it in hilly areas like Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu, etc you might not hear about this if you are living somewhere around Bangalore.

Plant sowing time   

  • It is a perennial plant so you can sow this weed at any time.

  Soil required

  • kandali loves soil with good moisture it is like fertile soil full of organic material mostly it grows alongside streams, rivers and creeks. 

Plant harvesting

  • It will be ready to harvest between 80-90 days. The best time to harvest nettles is the first few weeks of spring

How to grow kandali or stinging nettle plants?

You can grow nettle from seeds. You can purchase seeds or gather seeds. The good side of this weed is you don’t have to give much time to it and also it does not require much care because it is a weed so it grows automatically you just need to germinate the seeds. 

How to harvest kandali plants in India?

Kandali plant free image source. 

It’s an easy task, nettle harvesting starts in spring and it’s best to harvest when leaves are young.

  • The best harvest time is from May to June.
  • Harvest when it is a foot tall.
  • Wear long sleeves and gloves while harvesting because they can harm you.

Preserve and store nettle

  • Dry nettle until they become crispy.
  • You can dry stems and leaves together or you can separate them.
  • Store them in a store or cool area 
  • After drying you can pack them in a bag and sell them in the market.

Health benefits

  • It is good for bones, joints, and skin.
  • Rich in iron, vitamins, protein, fibre and minerals.
  • Extremely beneficial in arthritis, gout, anaemia and urinary problems.
  • Don’t dare to touch kandali without wearing gloves.

Kandali plant top 10 benefits

TextileFibre – clothes
FoodSpinach and soups, sauce, salad, vegetables
BeverageGreen tea, tea, soup, kaadha
HorticulturePest control
IndustrialChlorophyll production
Forage cropUsed fresh dried miled and silaged for animals

Green tea recipe

For making green tea from Kandali grass you just need a few leaves put them in warm water and add other ingredients.

You can add tulsi leaves and add few drops of lemon with a bit of honey. If you don’t get bichu grass leaves directly then you can purchase them from the market also you can buy them online.

How to start stinging nettle business

  • It’s a great opportunity for all the people who want to start a business from kandali farming. You just need to follow a few steps:-

  1. It is a weed that is mostly found in hill areas, especially in Uttrakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu.
  2. If you are from the hill area (Uttarakhand) then you might have farming lands over there.
  3. If not then you can take lots of farming land on rent at a very low price.
  4. This crop does not need much care compared to other crops.
  5. It is time and cost-saving cultivation. 

Farming business opportunity

Stinging nettle business is a great business opportunity to grab in this time of era when the whole world is getting interested in herbs.

“Create an opportunity to become successful” You have an opportunity to become a successful entrepreneur. You don’t have to invest your money and time in caring for this product as we have to invest money and manage our time while investing in other products like apples, mangoes, mushrooms, etc.

Stinging nettle products


  1. From kandali farming, you can make your business grow in the tea industry which is a big industry itself.
  2. A packet of tea (chaypatti) – 200 rs per/kg, a big asset
  3. Today green tea is a much-needed beverage in our lifestyle. So the demand is very high.


  1. The textile industry is one of the biggest and most ancient industries.
  2. Through kandali farming, one can produce lots of fibre.
  3. Fibres are useful in making sweaters and other clothes.
  4. Helpful in making anti-ageing creams and hair loss treatment products etc.

Medicinal plant

It is a medicinal grass. It is widely used in Ayurveda and pharma sectors.

What is the Kandali Festival?

Uttrakhand celebrates the festival of kandali it is the most unique festival of Uttarakhand. The plant of Kandali bears flowers once in 12 years just like Kumbh Mela comes after 12 years. You along with your family can join the celebration of the Kandali festival too.

The festival marks the blooming of purple flowers of the Kandali Plant. The flowers bloom between August and October. The Rung tribe of Pithoragarh District celebrates the vibrant festival of Kandali with much enthusiasm.

Very low investmentBe careful while harvesting
No maintenance 
Low competition 

Chief minister self employment scheme for farming business

  • To encourage reverse migration chief minister of Uttarakhand has declared this scheme. Under this scheme, one will get Rs 25 lakh for manufacturing projects and up to Rs 10 lakh in the service sector.

Herb research institute

  • For encouraging natural herb farming they provide help in village farming.
  • Provides seeds at a very low price.
  • Provides buyers to purchase your products.
  • Situated at Mandal (Chamoli)
  • Know more about hemp license Uttarakhand approval

For more information (pharmacological uses) on this plant click on the links given below

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