Indian farmer vs American farmer differences

Indian farmer vs American farmer genuine comparison given. Earning, production, land size, education, methods, life and export system etc compared. 

Farming is done in almost all countries, some do it with their choice and some need agriculture for survival. The fact is America’s 45% land is used for cultivation only whereas India’s around 60% land is used for cultivation. A genuine comparison about Indian and American farmers’ land size, education, farming methods, productions, farmers life, earning and export system is shared.

American farmers vs Indian farmers 

America and Indian farmers comparison is given. The comparison shows how American farmers are ahead using advanced technology and advanced methods even with low man power. 

Many crops and food items made of crops are exported to other countries, this is done worldwide. Some countries need some crops, some need other crops thus agriculture always produces a business opportunity.

India is the third largest crop producing country in the world. The country mostly produces wheat, rice, pulses, sugarcane, cotton, peanuts, fruits and vegetables. India mostly produces rice, wheat and sugarcane. 

Some ideas about helping farmers is given in another post check that as well. The comparison given below contains some questions and their answers.

How many farmers do cultivation in America and how many in India?

In India around 120 million farmers are doing cultivation. Most farmers are uneducated and do the cultivation due to unemployment. 

They do not do the cultivation of their choice in fact they are helpless as they dont get jobs. Whereas in America 2.3 million people are farmers. 

What are the farm sizes in America and in India?

In India farming lands are being divided for years and every family divides lands among their children. In India the land is often divided among two sons. 

Therefore in India the average land size is 2.3 hectares. In America this pattern does not exist hence their average land size is 250 hectares.

What is the qualification of USA farmers and Indian farmers?

In India farmers’ children use to help their parents in the cultivation along with qualification. Sometimes they leave education and do full time cultivation. Due to lack of money most farmers are not able to educate their children, even today. 

Although there are lots of agricultural colleges and universities in India, very few farmers’ are educated from agricultural universities. Image of Indian and American farmers is given below.

Indian farmer vs American farmer

Whereas farmers in the USA often complete their basic education. After that they also do agriculture education from a related Agriculture University in the USA. Education helps them to keep themselves updated about development and new technology in farming.

What are the farming methods in America and what in India?

Here a major difference comes. India’s farming methods are traditional, old fashioned and mostly based on human efforts. 

Whereas in the USA farming heavy and advanced technology is used, labour work is done less.

India’s farming mostly depends on the climate conditions. Most farmers grow mostly one type of crop in major farm fields. Indian farmers mostly grow wheat, rice and potato throughout the year.

Whereas American farmers use multiple crops in their farmland within a year they use technology and science to increase the production. They use big poly houses, every farm contains drip irrigation. 

India’s most farms are under open roof facing winds, unexpected rain and watering is done through pipes which don’t give water in equal quantity to all crops. 

Indian farmers are helpless against the damages from rains and storms. They don’t have money to invest for making bridges, they don’t even make ponds to store rainwater for future use. 

USA farmers use advanced technology and systems that recover the damaged farmland even after the heavy rainfall and storms. 

In India farming is often done by poor families whereas in America farming is a business. Professional corporations in America used to do farming for businesses.

What is farming production in America and what in India?

Even though America has less farms than India, their production ratio is much higher. India is a major rice producing country and America is a major corn producing country. In the same amount of land India produces less crop and America produces more crops.

What is the farmer’s life in the USA and in India?

US farmers live a happy life; they are not poor; they easily get farming loans in America. American farmers easily recover from land dryness and other agricultural problems due to higher technology, devices and their agricultural education understanding to make appropriate decisions at the opposite time. 

Whereas most Indian farmers are poor and helpless to do the cultivation. Indian farmers are under pressure to borrow money, they don’t get loans easily, they are unhappy with government policies. 

Even though India is an agricultural country more than 60% people are farmers. These farmers are fulfilling the stomach of the nation and nations security persons but they don’t have facilities like farmers canteen similar to army canteen.

How much do farmers earn in the USA and how much in India?

USA farmers earning per year is around 75,000 USD which is around Rs 65,47,590. Whereas Indian farmers are still poor and earn on average Rs 77000 in one year which is around Rs 6000 per month, even today the scenario has not changed.

Tell about the export system awareness and usability for USA and India?

USA farmers are educated, aware and easily supply their farm crops to other countries. Whereas Indian farmers stick to supplying their crop in local areas from one state to another state in India. Indian farmers hardly know how to export their crops to other countries. 

The tragedy is when Indian farmers grow more tomatoes despite getting appreciation like high scoring students getting scholarships in class. Instead farmers have to throw tomatoes due to the rate going down in India. 

High yield should get appreciation but it becomes a problem in India. Strange! Here the opportunity of exporting extra crops to the world is clearly seen by everyone but no one knows about it, and it becomes a problem. The Government is not making any clear and reasonable path to export crops worldwide in less fees, why?

When the production is high and rate falls down in India even the government dont purchase the crop from them or purchases at a very very cheap price. This is a lack of education, the government not educating farmers, especially not making any appropriate channel to export their crops on their own at affordable prices. 

It seems if the government will establish a proper farm to world export system then why farmers will throw tomatoes or other crops on roads and how govt will offer these farmers to buy their crops at a very-very low price. 

I ask you guys how many of you know the correct method of transporting your crops to the USA or any other country where you know you will get the best prices for your crops. Why are individual farmers not educated to export their crops on their own without govt interference! 

Why are TV ads full of rubbish promotion of items like coal drinks, paan masala etc. Why do big stars not do farming ads to educate farmers? Why doesn’t the government run ads on television to educate farmers? There are many Y’s. Do share your opinion on any Y.

Conclusion – The comparison shows USA farmers are far ahead of Indian farmers due to better education, advanced technology development and govt policies including easy loans and clarity on exporting farm crops to another country.

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