Succulent plants need less water and are mostly used as decorative plants. Overwatering may collapse these desert plants so it is requested to follow this post to grow succulents successfully at home, garden or farms.
Succulent plants meaning
Succulent meaning those plants that are usually thick, fleshy and engorged it is because they have to retain water in soil conditions or arid climate's.
"Succulent" is the word that belongs to Latin word sucus and meaning of sucus is 'juice' or 'sap'. Succulent plants are well known for storing water in various structures such as leaves and stems.
One should not get confused with cactus because almost all cactus are succulent but not all succulents are cactus. Due to the storage of water succulent plants looks more swollen or fleshy and looks more attractive than other plants.
Succulents are often grown as ornamental plants due to their striking appearance as well as minimal care ability. Succulents have the ability to thrive on limited water sources like mist and dew. They have ability to remain plump and full or water even with high internal temperatures 52 degree C - 126 degree C.
Generally the roots of succulents' are very near to the surface of the soil this is how they are able to take a moisture from small showers or heavy dew. There are sixty different plants family that contains succulents.
Due to the attractiveness and ease of caring these plants are preferred as house plants. They are the plants that can easily survive in indoors they need very little care but one should always pay attention while watering them because infections and overwatering succulents are the main cause of death in succulents.
Succulent online stores
- In Canada succulent plants and decor items are easily available in shops but people prefer to purchase them online due to reasonable price and online discount offers with free delivery. If you lives in Canada then you can search succulent marketplace canada from your facebook account.
- You just need to click the 3rd icon on top of your home page it looks like a house (click on house icon) here you can find lots of things to buy or you can also sell your products in this online marketplace.
- However, it is a platform made for owners who want to sell their products directly to their customers later it was joined by lots of resellers who promotes ands sells others products. Due to direct contacts with owners you can use this platform.
- Apart from this you can easily purchase them online from amazon, indiamart, freshbasket etc.
If you will ask me can I water succulents daily then I would say "No" please look at the reason explained below.
- First you should know whether plant is overwatered or underwatered. By checking the upper and lower soil layers you can identify that. If lower part of the soil layer found wet it means no need to water it.
- Before watering one should know about these plants that they are desert plants which essentially means that they are used to grow in an environment where there is less water. So, they can survive longer without water as well.
- If you don't have any schedule to water your plants then it is recommended instead of overwatering your plants you should not water them because they can easily survive without water at least for 2 months but due to access of water they may die within a week.
- You need to know some necessary step requirements like- temperature, sunlight, water, pruning, fertilizer etc required for succulent plants. All the steps are given below please scroll down for your answer.
How to grow succulent plants at home
Light needs
As succulents are desert plants so they need sunlight for at least 2 -3 hours and here I am talking about direct sun light. If someone says that direct sunlight is not good for this plant then just think once how desert plants survives in deserts.
Temperature requirements
- Generally these plants prefer day time temperatures between 70 and 85 F and if talking about night time then between 50 and 55 F is good for them. Although they have ability to remain plump even with high internal temperatures 52 degree C to 126 degree C.
- However, Succulents are more comfortable below 90 F ( 32 degree C ). Most plants appreciates more shade as the hot sun rays can burn their leaves. You need to move the potted plants to the cooler location. Generally this species plants are much more cold tolerant than people assume.
Water propagation
- Succulent plant watering shall be done once in a week or couple of weeks. To avoid overwatering you can use plant water bottle and remember water your plant only to keep leaves from drying. While watering make sure watering pots drainage system is working properly so the water can easily runs out from the drainage holes.
- Have a look at your plant closely if upper part of the layer of soil is dry it doesn't mean that it needs water you should check the lower part of the soil layer and if it found wet (moisture) it means no need to water it for at least a week or couple of weeks.
- The problem is people usually touches the upper layer of the plant soil and while finding it dry they started watering it but this is wrong one need to check the lower layer as well.
- Always Remember it is desert plant so if you forgot to water it its ok you can avoid watering it for couple of weeks but if you will water it when it is not demanding for it then it will definitely collapse. It is advised to stop succulent plant overwatering.
- Don't allow the plant to sit in water so empty the drainage saucer. More than 90 percent plants need soil to dry out completely before watering.
- Soggy and discoloring of leaves are the result of overwatering the plants.
Overwatering signs
Over water plant are soft and discolored the leaves might turn yellow or white and loose their colour. Plant in this condition is difficult to repair, but try to remove it from the pot and inspect the roots if the root rot found then cut the roots and try into drier potting or take a cutting and propagate the parent plant.
Overwatering is the main cause of plant failure. First it will cause root rot and then a complete crash for the plant. If you are not able to schedule water for the plant then it is good to serve your plant less water in comparison of overwatering you might not have very healthy plant but at least you have a plant.
Don't ever water on leaves because pouring water on leaves will support fungus so you should water the soil.
Succulent fertilizer
- Spring and summer are most relevant to the growth of succulents. The growth decreases in fall and winter is the time for rest. No fertilizers are required during winters if it becomes necessary in some case then fertilize lightly.
- Instead of winters you can feed your plants 3-4 times in summers or warmer climates. Remember that it is easy to over feed these plants. They should be fed half in comparison of your regular house plants.
Choose fast draining mixture that's specifically designed for cacti and succulents. But if you don't have such then consider modifying a normal potting mix.
- Generally succulent plants does not require pruning. However, you can remove damaged and dead leaves and you can trim it if found any damage part. One can also prune succulent if they have very long stems.
Container ideas
- Succulents don't have deep roots so one can choose shallow pots or containers.
- You can use thermocol box for plants because theromocol is a product which absorbs water and succulents does not like much water. You can easily make it at home or you can purchase thermocol plant pots.
- Don't allow your plant to sit in water because succulent can not tolerate standing water so you need a container with drainage holes and if your container doesn't have drainage holes, you will need to drill some.
Succulent plants planting ideas
- Specialty of these plants is that they can be grown together in a pot you can plant the larger one in the middle and plant shorter succulents around the larger one.
- You can easily create their group they are more comfortable in bunches. Succulents don't have deep roots so no need to dig the holes just set the plant over the soil.

How to propagate succulent plant
Succulents can be propagated by these four methods.
- Seeds growing.
- Plant cuttings growing.
- Leaf propagation steps.
- Tissue culture protocol.
1. Seed propagation - First you have to prepare a pot with a fine particle soil mix. Now spread the seeds on the top of the soil no need to dig the soil instead allow spaces between the seeds so that it can grow comfortably. Cover the seeds with fine particles of soil remember no need to dig it only top dressing with light hands is required.
Watering at this moment is not allowed only mist spray once in 24 hours have to be done, and that is also on top surface. Seeding can be water every other day moreover, to avoid time loss one should select fast growing succulent seeds.
2. Plant cuttings - Just cut 2-4 inches of a stem with seizer or knife now you have to allow the cutting to callous for some days depending upon the climate. Next step is to plant the cutting into the soil you can use some perlite along with soil it will help to find healthy roots.
3. Leaf propagation tips- However, they can be grown with leaves as well but this process will not work for all the succulents at the same time it is successful with many of them. While succulent leaves propagation you need to twist the leaf from the stem make sure the leaf you get should be a clean pull where no part of the leaf is left on the stem.
Remember it is very necessary to detach a leaf with most care from the stem it should be clean process and not torn away. After this process leaf can be carefully planted in a porous soil and remember one more thing should not allow it to dry completely while the roots form.
4. Succulent tissue culture - It is a method of producing many plants rapidly from the cells of just one plant. In this laboratory related process cells are isolated from plant tissue. After research the cells are then placed on agar in petri dishes, and are transfused with the hormone and nutrition liquid.
5. Aloevera - Are you thinking is aloe a succulent or not? I would say yes aloe vera is a succulent type.

Types and names
- Acanthocereus Tetragonus.
- Adromischus Cristatus.
- Adromischus Maculatus.
- Aeonium Kiwi.
- Aeonium Sunburst.
- Aeonium Mardigras.
- Aeonium Arboreum 'Zwartkop'.
- Agave Blue Glow.
- Agave Macroacantha.
- Agave Parryi Truncata.
- Aloe Hellskloof Bells.
- Aloe Twilight Zone.
- Aloe Brevifolia.
- Aloe Ferox.
- Aloe Perfoliata.
- Alo plicatilis.
- Echeveria Lola.
Propagation of Succulent Echeveria Lola
It is an evergreen succulent that grows comfortably in containers. It delivers flowers in the spring and early summers.
Watering Lola - Try to use soak and dry method. To avoid root rot make sure twice that the soil is completely raw after watering. Avoid over watering it is dangerous for the plant.
While planting it you have three options containers, gardens and rock gardens.
Leaves - While performing propagation from leaf you just need to twist the leaf from the stem make sure the leaf you get should be a clean pull where no part of the leaf is left on the stem it will help you to get a better chance of successful propagation. Allow the leaf to become harder for a day before placing it on well draining soil.
Cuttings - To propagate Echeveria Lola from cuttings you can use sharp knife or scissor as per your comfort and cut a peace of the plant just above a leaf on the stem. Allow it to dry for a couple of days and place in well drainage soil.