Every part of the neem tree is useful and widely used in the pharma sector. Leaves, stem, bark, branches and fruits are used for making medicines, perfumes, oil etc. Hence it is a tree in demand and farmers are already doing the neem commercial cultivation. Neem tree cost per ton is around Rs 10,000 hence there is a great business opportunity. Today, I will help you to figure out the approximate profit you can make and the cost required for the cultivation of 1 acre. Some recommended practices are also given which you can follow to start the cultivation of this medicinal tree.
It is traditional cultivation that has been cultivated for decades. According to our neem tree plantation project report, the profit from 1 acre is nearly Rs 142,000 (1869.56 USD).
Neem tree information and uses
Neem tree growth rate is quick and it is native to India, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Malaysia. Its height is 15 to 20 meters i.e 49 to 66 ft and its branches are wide and spreading. It has white and fragrant flowers and a smooth olive-like drupe with an elongated and roundish shape. Bisexual flowers and male flowers both exist on the same individual tree.
The tree is well known for its drought resistance features, normally it thrives best in sub-arid to sub-humid conditions with an annual rainfall of 400 to 1200 mm. However, it can easily grow below 400 mm rainfall but while facing these conditions it largely depends on groundwater.
This tree can easily grow on a wide range of soils, well-drained deep and sandy soils are ideal for neem cultivation. It can tolerate high to very high temperatures and the best temperature varies between 21 °C to 32 °C. Tolerating high to very high temperatures falls in its speciality but at the same time, they cannot tolerate temperatures below 5 °C (41 °F).
Products made from neem trees have been used in the medicinal sector for decades. Its medicinal product contains antifungal antibiotic spray, antiviral, contraceptive and sedative. Its parts including leaves, branches, and barks are used in ayurvedic medicines. Neem products are cheap and not poisonous to animals therefore they are good for pest control.
The popularity of neem trees in India is from decades. In today’s education era, teachers are also involving students by asking them neem tree essays.
Project Report
Cost per acre 1 neem plant price = Rs 5 to Rs 100 accordingly. Plants planted in 1 acre = 1000. If 1000 neem trees are in 1 acre at Rs 30 per plant. Plantation cost = 1000 plants x Rs 30 = Rs 30,000. Land preparation cost = Rs 10,000. Irrigation cost = Rs 20,000. Fertilizer cost = Rs 6000. Labour cost = Rs 30,000. Harvesting cost = Rs 20,000. Miscellaneous cost = Rs 6000. Total cost = Rs 1,22,000. This is just a 1-year cultivation cost. Your tree will start bearing fruits from the 5th year but it will produce fruits majorly after 10 to 12 years. Yield per tree = 1 neem tree produces 35 to 50 kg of fruits per year. Let’s calculate the cost for 10 years. Reduce the sapling cost from the total cost i.e Rs 1,22,000 – Rs 30,000 = 92,000 Plant cost is reduced because they are a one-time investment. Now multiply 92,000 by 9 years. Rs 92,000 x 9 years = Rs 8,28,000. Now add the plant cost i.e Rs 30,000. Rs 8,28,000 + Rs 30,000. Total cost for 10 years = Rs 8,58,000. Let’s calculate Neem farming profit 1 tree produces 35 to 50 kg of fruits after 10 to 12 years. If 1000 neem trees per acre. Then 1000 x 50 kg = 50,000 kg. Neem fruit price per kg = Rs 10, 18 to Rs 100 accordingly. Let’s take the average price of Rs 20. Profit in 1 acre = 50,000 kg x Rs 20. Profit = Rs 10,00,000 (13,165.94 USD). Net Profit = Profit per acre – Cost per acre. Net Profit = Rs 10 lakh – Rs 8 lakh 58 thousand. Net Profit = Rs 142,000 (1869.56 USD). Neem plantation commercial profit can be increased with good farm practices. Note – So this is the assumption of the Neem plantation project report in India. Remember this project report only defines fruit cultivation profit whereas, every part of the tree is sellable including leaves, branches, bark, oil, waste leaves, and seeds. |
Neem tree cultivation best practices
Neem tree farming is yet another profitable farming business and by following the below-given information one can easily start its cultivation.

Neem plant price
Rs 5, Rs 50 to Rs 100 or more according to the variety. Saplings are easily available online, it is advised before ordering your product check the trustworthiness of the platform.
Best growing climate
Rainfall should be between 400 mm to 1200 mm and it thrives best in sub-arid to sub-humid conditions.
Read this – malabar neem project report
The temperature range is 21 °C to 32 °C. It has drought resistance capability and can easily tolerate higher temperatures but fails below 5 °C.
Soil requirements
It is a soil-friendly tree and can grow in a wide range of soils including clayey, saline, and alkaline soils. The best soil for easily growing neem trees is well-drained deep and sandy soil, black cotton soils are also good. It has a calcium mining property that changes acidic soil into neutral soil. It likes dry stony saline soil and the soil pH range should be between 6.2 to 7.0 for better yield.
Water requirements
New plant water requirements are lesser in comparison to other drought-resistant fast-growing plants and it needs a good amount of sunlight. It can easily grow within the rainfall between 400 mm to 1200 mm and it can also survive below 400 mm rainfall region but needs groundwater.
Seed germination time
Usually, they germinate within 10 to 12 days or 15 to 20 days according to the variety.
Neem tree plantation
Direct sowing is an easy process for growing these trees; one can plant the entire poly pot seedling or shoot cuttings. Direct sowing is more successful for degraded areas whereas root shoot cuttings for poly pot seedlings are good for agroforestry and avenue plantations.
While planting trees direct sowing method contains broadcast sowing methods, line sowing methods, mound sowing or ridge sowing, trenches sowing, aerial sowing or dibbling in bushes. You can choose anyone according to the climate condition, biotic and economic conditions of the site. 22 to 45-cm tall seedlings are picked for planting in pits, taller seedlings can survive better.
Care of young plantations is necessary and strip weeding of young plants is done for a positive impact on plant health. During neem farming in India, at least two weddings are required in the first year and one weeding is sufficient in the second year. In the case of transplanted seedlings first mechanical thinning is done at the age of 5 years. For the first five to seven years watering is done through the canals in arid regions.
Take approximately 100 grams of neem cake and sprinkle it on the topsoil. Then use a stick to stir it with the topsoil for uniform distribution. You should use the cake once a month in a garden for healthy plant growth. One can also prepare spray by soaking some seeds overnight in the water. The next day crushes them in the form of powder, that’s it your spray is ready. You should use this spray on plants regularly for the interval of 10 days to get a better yield.
Neem tree growth rate
Soil plays an important role in the growth of neem trees. The tree grows faster for the period of five years from the planting and after 5 years it slows down. This tree reaches a height of 4 m at the age of 5 years and it takes 25 more years to reach a height of 10 metres. Meanwhile, the girth of the tree increases by 2.3 to 2 cm annually. A 10-year-old neem tree in Karnataka produces a girth of 68.1 cm at an average height of 6.58 metres. The tree reaches an average height of 170 cm at the end of 1st season and 264 cm in the second season.
Pest and disease control
Neem plays a role of a key ingredient in non-pesticidal management (NPM), it is a natural replacement for synthetic pesticides. Seeds are ground into powder and soaked overnight in water and sprayed on the crop. Neem spray should be applied repeatedly in intervals of 10 days to get rid of pests and insects leading to higher yield. Neem spray does not directly kill insects or pests, instead, it acts as an anti-feedent, repellent and egg-laying deterrent and thus it protects the crop from damage.
After using its spray on plants insects starve and die within a few days. Neem also intercepts the subsequent hatching of their eggs. Neem-made fertilizers are effective against ‘Southern Armyworms’. You can use its fertilizer in various forms such as neem cake, and neem oil spray. Oil spray is capable of averting termite attacks and plays the role of an eco-friendly and economical gent.
Ol spray for plants
Synthesis of alkyd resins of neem oil uses monoglyceride (MG) to prepare PU coatings. Alkyd is prepared from the reaction of phthalic and maleic anhydrides with MG of neem oil. For more info, you can read this government neem tree pdf, if you need an ebook please comment below.
Growing zone
Neem cultivation in India is done from the South tip of Kerala to the Himalayan hills. They grow in tropical to subtropical regions, semiarid to wed tropical regions, from sea level to about 700 m elevations. Mostly neem farming in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab and Tamilnadu is done.
It has great importance for its anti-desertification properties.
Neem extracts are added to fertilizer as a nitrification inhibitor.
Leaves can be occasionally used as animal feed or forage especially for ruminants and rabbits.
It has been used as a type of teeth-cleaning twig traditionally for decades.
Tree facts
Neem oil can cause some form of toxic encephalopathy and ophthalmopathy if consumed in any quantity so be aware of this.
It is considered a weed in many areas including the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa most places including West Africa and Indian ocean states, and Australia (some parts).
Neem tree fruit seed leaves stems and bark consist of diverse phytochemicals.
It is used for damaging over 500 types of insects such as mites, ticks, insects and nematodes. Normally, neem does not kill pests on the spot; it slows their growth and drives them away.
It is also known as Azadirachta Indica, nimtree and Indian Lilac. This tree belongs to the mahogany family Meliaceae and in Nigeria, it is called dogoyaro or dogonyaro. The neem tree is native to the Indian subcontinent and most countries in Africa. It is on the list of easy fast-growing trees that grow in tropical and subtropical regions and they are also grown widely in Iran. Its seeds and fruits are the main sources of neem oil. These trees need less water, less care, and lots of sunlight, preferred as avenue plantations, therefore you can see lots of neem trees as a roadside plantations. The benefits of using neem are vast, especially used in fertilizer and neem oil spray is worldwide popular.
Cultural and social impact – Bhakti movement Vaishnav saint was born under the neem tree and named “Nimai.” It is believed that saint Nimai is the personification of Radha Krishna in Gaudiya Vaishnavism and ISKCON.
Most expensive trees in the world
You might have heard about the mahogany tree which is turning into one of the most profitable tree farming in India. People are showing interest in this tree and mahogany cultivation in the Philippines is already popular. It is one of the most expensive trees to cut down. In order to save trees, it is necessary to cut older trees not younger ones so that they could not affect the environment. Apart from mahogany, a few more expensive trees are the Sandalwood tree, Agarwood tree etc. Both these trees are in the list of the top 10 most expensive trees in the world.
Mahogany farming, Agar tree cultivation, and Sandalwood tree are some of the most profitable tree farming. One can book a good profit in tree farming by cultivating any of the above trees. If you are fond of tree ebooks then you should try ebook growing trees containing 4 trees + organic farming methods meaning this is 5 in 1 ebook.
What is the lifespan of a neem tree?
It is a long-life tree, and its lifespan is about 200 years.
How to make Neem spray?
To make a spray from seeds first collect some seeds then ground them in powder and soak them overnight in the water. Then it is sprayed on the crop at an interval of 10 days for effective results.
How many neem trees per acre should I plant?
Farmers are planting 1200 to 1500 neem plants per acre but 800 to 1000 plants are considered good for better yield.
How much time neem tree take to grow?
It takes 3 to 5 years to produce fruits. However, 8 to 10 years are needed to become fully productive and produce 50 kg of fruits annually.
What is the germination time for this plant?
Generally, it germinates within 10 to 15 days or 15 to 20 days according to the name varieties.
What is the neem tree price per ton?
10,000 per ton.
What is the price of neem plant?
1 neem sapling price in India varies between Rs 5 to Rs 100 or more according to the variety of neem trees.
What is the neem tree yield per tree?
35 to 50 fruits per year.
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