3 mahogany types Swietenia macrophylla mahagoni and Humilis 

There are mainly 3 types of mahogany in the world. Swietenia macrophylla, Swietenia mahagoni and Swietenia Humilis. This blog tells about mahogany types, genuine mahogany, African mahogany species, growing countries, wood uses and plant details.

Farmers mostly grow African mahogany trees which is a swietenia macrophylla species. Swietenia macrophylla and Honduran both are the same, honduran is the common name of Swietenia macrophylla so don’t get confused. However, mahogany is native to South America, Mexico and Central America but India and Fiji are the major world suppliers of genuine mahogany, majorly supplying African mahogany wood. 

3 mahogany types Swietenia macrophylla mahagoni and Humilis

There are 3 types and only 1 species named Swietenia macrophylla is mainly cultivated in farms.

3 Types of mahogany

  1. Swietenia macrophylla.
  2. Swietenia mahagoni. 
  3. Swietenia Humilis.

Swietenia macrophylla

The Swietenia mahogany tree is commonly known as Honduran mahogany, Honduras mahogany, mahogany or big leaf mahogany. Honduran mahogany belongs to the Meliaceae family. It is a fast growing tree that grows in 8 to 15 years, famous as the African mahogany tree among most people. Farmers are harvesting it in 8 years also however the idle harvesting time falls between 12 to 15 years as per the growth. 

Among all 3 species Swietenia macrophylla yields genuine mahogany timber and its farming is done widely due to huge wood demand. You can buy 5 in 1 mahogany ebook through below given razorpay button. This ebook contains mahogany + 4 other tree information.

All three species names are similar so don’t get confused and see the spelling correctly. Remember Swietenia macrophylla is commonly known as mahogany tree.

Honduran or Swietenia mahogany tree is native to South America, Mexico and Central America Naturally grown in the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and Hawaii.  

Mainly cultivated species Swietenia macrophylla

Swietenia macrophylla common names are Honduran mahogany honduras mahogany, mahogany or big leaf mahogany. It is genuine mahogany, Asia and Fiji countries play a major role in transporting international trade in genuine mahogany today.

African mahogany trees in Fiji and India are grown on a large scale. The point to understand is that the African mahogany tree is the Swietenia macrophylla species. Honduran mahogany honduras mahogany, mahogany or big leaf mahogany all are common names of Swietenia macrophylla. 

A big leaf mahogany, honduras or honduran all are same, African mahogany is itself a Swietenia macrophylla species or we can say it falls under Macrophylla species. Hope you got some clarification, if still any doubt please ask in the comment box.

Swietenia macrophylla or Honduran mahogany price and benefits

1 Honduran tree price after 10 years would be Rs 15,000 to Rs 25,000 depending on the cubic feet. 

It is easy farming because this tree doesn’t need much water and care and can grow in almost any region of India and world except heavy snowfall regions. 

Export mahogany tree out of India 

People are already planting mahogany trees in India and exporting them out of India in European countries. Due to huge national – international demand it is good to start mahogany cultivation in India and start exporting worldwide. 

Mahogany wood uses and demand

Mahogany tree wood demand in the international market is very high. The wood is strong and used for making furniture, musical instruments, ships, doors, coffins, decors and also used in medicinal industry and for some more things. 

Plant description 

Mahogany tree looks Straight long timber with leafes in upper portion.
Wood usesMaking furniture, musical instruments, ships, doors, coffins, decors etc.
Mahogany tree leafLarge long leaves (up to 45 cm) are its speciality.
FruitsLooks like a capsule, called sky fruits due to upward growth towards the sky. Light grey to brown in color. Each fruit capsule may contain 71 winged seeds. Fruit length is around 40 cm.
Seeds7 to 12 cm long.
Timber tradeUnlike its native location, plantation mahogany grown in Asia is not restricted for trade and supplied worldwide. 
Medicinal useVarious biological activities including HCT116 human cancer cell line was elucidated. SMEAF examined for neruroprotective activity and toxicity effects. 
Common namesEnglish – Big leaf mahogany, large leaf mahogany, Brazilian mahogany.French – acajou a grandes feuilles, acajou du Honduras.Spanish – caoba, mara, mogno.Malayalam – mahogany.Tamil – ThenkaniTelugu – peddakulamaghani, mahagani.Sinhala – mahogani
Mahogny timber details given in the table.

Mahogany growing countries 

Native countries – South America, Central America and Mexico. 

Naturally grown – Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Hawai. 

Asia – India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Fiji, Philippines, Singapore and Laos. 

Major world suppliers – India and Fiji. 

Conclusion – Mahogany tree species clear clarification given briefly. African mahogany is Swietenia macrophylla species and African mahogany cultivation in Fiji and India is done widely, both are the huge exporter of the wood. 


How many mahogany species are there? 

There are 3 species. 

What are 3 species?

Mahogany species: Swietenia macrophylla, Swietenia mahagoni and Swietenia Humilis. 

What species is African mahogany tree?

It is Swietenia macrophylla which is commonly known as Honduran or big leaf mahogany.

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