Magnolia tree cost profit per acre

Magnolia tree cost profit report disclosed here. Types of magnolia trees, growing zones, uses and best farming practices are shared.

Magnolia trees are used for multi purposes including furniture making, powder, oil and medicines hence has high demand. For farming magnolia tree cost is Rs 1695000 and profit could be around Rs 805000. Some important types of magnolia trees suitable for cultivation are M. macrophylla, M. grandiflora, M. tripetala, M. acuminata and M. virginiana. Pruning a magnolia tree is done in late summer or early spring.

Magnolia tree cost profit per acre

Magnolia tree cost per acre

  • Magnolia plant cost = Rs 100.
  • Trees per acre = 500 trees.
  • Total plant cost = Rs 100 x 500 plants = Rs 50,000.
  • Labour cost = Rs 15,000.
  • Fertilizer cost = 10,000.
  • Care and treatment cost = Rs 10,000.
  • Irrigation cost = Rs 25,000.
  • Fencing cost = Rs 55,000.
  • Plant protection charges = Rs 10,000.
  • Total cost 1st year = Rs 1,75,000.

Now lets calculate total 10 year cost

First year cost is already calculated now to calculate the 9 year cost remove one time cost from the 1st year total cost i.e fence and plants.

One time cost remove 

One time cost = Magnolia plant cost Rs 50,000 + fencing cost Rs 55,000 = Rs 105000.

Remove 1 time cost from 1st year cost = Rs 105000 – Rs 1,75,000 = Rs 70,000.

One time cost = Rs 70,000.

Now multiply Rs 70,000 with 9 years to get a 9 year cost.

9 years cost = 9 years x Rs 70,000 = Rs 6,30,000.

Now add 1st year cost with 9 years cost.

Total 10 year cost = Rs 6,30,000 (9 year cost) + Rs 1,75,000 (1st year cost).

Total 10 year cost = Rs 805000. So, this is the total cost of magnolia trees.

Farming profit per acre

  • 1 Magnolia tree selling price is around Rs 2500, Rs 5000 to Rs 7000 or more as per the variety and dimension.
  • Let’s take the average price Rs 5000 per tree.
  • Trees per acre = 500.
  • Profit = 500 trees x Rs 5000.
  • Profit =  Rs 25,00000.
  • Net profit = Rs 805000 (cost) – Rs 25,00000 (profit).
  • Net Profit = Rs 1695000.

Magnolia Tree

Magnolia tree farming could be profitable farming as it has a high demand due to multiple uses. It is a flowering plant species found in two groups that are geographically different from each other. 

Magnolia Trees are mainly found in east, south and southeast Asia and also found in North America, Central America, West Indies and South America. Magnolia trees bloom before the leaves in spring. 

Magnolia shrub or tree – It falls in every category it is a spreading evergreen or deciduous tree or shrub. 

Magnolia tree flowers look like a bowl or star shaped large fragrant. They are multi-colored white, green, purple, pink, and yellow. 

Magnolia tree fruits look like cones and produce fruits in Autumn. 

Uses Used for gardening, food items, medicine etc.

Timber – Magnolia tree height is 60 ft to 80 ft, its timber is used to make furniture and other products. 

Magnolia trees take 10 to 20 years to mature, if you want some quick results you can look at poplar trees that takes only 4 to 5 years to mature. They are one of the fastest growing trees in the world.

Magnolia tree farming 

Before starting magnolia farming one must collect some important info about farming practices that are given below. 


5 native species are majorly used in cultivation in the Eastern United States: M. grandiflora, M. virginiana, M. tripetala, M. acuminata and M. macrophylla. 


5°C to 35°C.


This plant grows well in slightly acidic soil with pH 5.0 to 6.0. Well drained, loamy, moist, rich, soils are good for this species.


Put water 1 to 2 times in a week for the first 6 months from the planting until the roots established. 

Growing time 

The magnolia tree grows in 10 to 20 years.

Magnolia trees per acre

300 to 500 trees.


Organic fertilizer is the best for any tree cultivaton.

Pruning magnolia trees timing

Deciduous variety – Late summer.

Evergreen variety – Early spring.

Yield per acre

Average weight of the tree is 500 kg to 800 kg. If 500 trees are planted and have a minimum weight of 500 kg then 500 trees x 500 kg = 250000 kg wood.

Magnolia tree price 

Cost of mature magnolia tree depends on its dimension; the average tree price is Rs 3000. The Magnolia tree selling price is around Rs 2500 to Rs 5000 or more depending on the dimension and variety. If you are looking for this tree in India then saucer magnolia tree for sale in mubarak nursery is available.

Conclusion – Magnolia tree farming profit cost report is shared along with best practices including growing time, flowering time, fruits, soil, temp and variety etc. This blog provides basic information to start magnolia tree farming, estimated cost and expected profit.

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