The post is consist of kadaknath chicken farming in which kadknath egg hatching temperature and hen incubation period, temperature is described. Top of the post you will get the info about kadaknath farming project report which explains the kadaknath farming cost and profit in poultry farming business. By the end of the post you will be aware of poultry farming subsidy and health benefits of kadaknath chicken. And after reading the whole post carefully you will grab at least few numbers on poultry farming cost and profit in India, which will help you to decide whether the poultry farming business is suitable for you or not?
Kadaknath chicken farming in India
Kadaknath breed is commonly found in Madhya Pradesh state specially in Jhabua district. It is also called as kali masi due to its black colour meat. The black breed is much more costly than ordinary hen due to extreme health benefits of kadaknath chicken. It is mostly found in Madhya Pradesh, some regions of Gujarat and Rajasthan. Kadaknath Birds farming is more popular in South Indian regions including Karnataka, Telangana, Hyderabad, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala. Moreover, this blackbird farming is majorly done in Rajasthan and its native place Madhya Pradesh.
Black bird kadaknath can easily survive in hot conditions and they are capable of surviving in temperatures ranging from 12 °C to 42 °C. They can easily grow in tough circumstances including poor housing, feeding and management thus they provide better business opportunities and if you are interested in starting a kadaknath farming business you can start it right now because in India the competition is very low in this particular species farming and you can establish your poultry farming start up. Kadaknath black bird is mainly known for its black meat taste and big brown eggs. Moreover, kadaknath chicken fat percentage is much more than ordinary chickens, kadaknath contains fat content 0.70 % to 1.05 % whereas normal chicken fat content varies 12 to 26 %.
If your are thinking how to start kadaknath poultry farm business then click on the link and you will be diverted to our another post where you will get all the information regarding registration, documents, marketing, subsidy in poultry farming business. And in case if you are living outside India then you can read this post how to start poultry farming business in Brazil.
Kadaknath chicken breed information
The Kadaknath breed is found in Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh, India. Apart from India it is also found in Indonesia where it is called Ayyam cemani and it is also known as silkie in some other countries. There are three main varieties of kadaknath chicken data given below.
Kadaknath chicken varieties
- Penciled kadaknath - They have White feathers around the neck.
- Golden kadaknath - Both male and female birds contain golden feathers around the neck region.
- Jet black kadaknath - Both male and female hen are black in colour.
Kadaknath chicken farming project report
Kadaknath chicken farming cost
Local shed construction - Rs 2 lakh
Cage and feeder equipments - Rs 50,000
Company feed 15 quintal - Rs 18,000
Home feed 17 quintals - Rs 15,000
Medicines - Rs 1600
kadaknath chicks price in India - Rs 35-40 per chick
500 chicks x Rs 35 = Rs 17,500
Total cost = Rs 302,100
Kadaknath chicken farming profit
Price of one kadaknath chicken - Rs 800, Rs 1500 to Rs 2500 (festivals)
Out of 500 kadaknath if 50 chickens are collapse then
450 birds x Rs 800 (minimum) = Rs 360,000
Net Profit = kadaknath chicken profit - kadaknath poultry farm cost
Net Profit = Rs 360,000 - Rs 302100
Net Profit = Rs 57900
Note - This is your first year profit and after reducing shade price (2 lakh) you can earn good profit from next year. A professional poultry farm shed construction is much more costly so you can use the local shed for a couple of years and after some profit booking you can go for the professional poultry cages and shade.
kadaknath bird information
- Male kadaknath weight is between 2.2 to 2.7 kg.
- Kadaknath female hen weight is between 1.5 kg to 1.7 kg.
- Their chicks weigh 25 to 30 gram.
- Kadaknath chicken meat color is greyish black.
- Kadaknath egg colour is brown.
- The minimum price of kadaknath chicken meat is Rs 700- 800 per kg in India.
Kadaknath chicken poultry farm business
Commercial farming of kadaknath chicken business is successfully running in Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States. Still black bird farming is not done on a large scale at the same time the demand of black hen is growing day by day. Due to less production and high consumption there is always an opportunity of good income in the kadaknath poultry farming business.
Kadaknath products such as black meat, chicks, and brown eggs are always in high demand in the market in comparison to the ordinary breed products. Price of an ordinary hen egg rises at the heights of Rs 7-8 hardly on the other hand the minimum price of kadaknath egg varies between rupees 15 to 20 whereas it rises at the price of rupees 40. While talking about the price of meat Kadaknath chicken meat price is Rs 700 to 800 per kg whereas the meat price of an ordinary hen is between Rs120 to Rs 320 only. You can clearly see the difference between both the breeds so there is a good opportunity to establish your poultry farm business start up.
Benefits of kadaknath chicken farming
- Kadaknath black bird contains higher protein content. It has more than 25% protein content.
- Kadaknath meat and eggs consist of less fat and more nutrients in comparison to other products.
- The growth rate of kadaknath chicks is faster than other breeds.
- These black birds can easily survive in tough circumstances with less facility.
- These birds are disease resistant in comparison to other birds.
- Kadaknath chicken breed byproduct has good demand in the market.
- The Kadaknath meat price in India is very high.
- Black bird eggs cost much more than the other breeds.
- The meat of this breed contains many important vitamins, minerals, amino acids
- It contains vitamins C , E, B1, B2, B6, B12.
- These breeds can't be affected by many diseases in poultry farms.
- State governments are promoting commercial poultry farm business.
- State governments are providing the Government subsidy loan for poultry farm in Telangana, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh etc.
- Haryana government is promoting poultry farming business and providing good subsidy schemes in poultry farming.
How to start kadaknath chicken farming?
To start kadaknath chicken farming or kadaknath egg production business you need to follow the below given steps that contains poultry farm construction and dimension, bird feed information and feed chart, temperature classification for hatching and incubation process, bird hatching egg process, bird egg laying process and direction of egg in first 18 days, incubation process, newborn chicks care and temperature needed for new born chicks until they get complete feather. All these steps are explained below, it is suggested to go through all the steps deeply before starting commercial kadaknath chicken cultivation.
Poultry farm construction and dimension
- Centre of the shade can be between 9 to 16 feet tall
- Sides should be 9 to 11 feet in height.
- In case the height of the cage can be 10 to 16 feet tall.
- Use of cement concrete as a floor can reduce diseases.
- It is also helpful in easy maintenance and cleaning.
- Whereas straw, coconut leaf, palm leafs can be used for making poultry roofs.
- Select the shade area that is free from mosquitoes and flies.
- Place some cardboards that contains 15 inch height and 6 feet diameter.
- These cardboards should be placed in such a way, chicks can easily live inside.
- Brooding area should be rat and other creature free so that chicks can survive easily.
- For shifting chicks in brooding houses check the correct spacing and for 1 to 10 days old chick there should be 6 to 8 inches of free space.
kadaknath feed information
If you are starting black bird poultry farm business then you should prepare a proper feed chart in which you have to fill in the information about kadaknath feed per day. We are sharing a kadaknath feed formula that carries the daily feed consumption of the bird.

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Kadaknath feed consumption chart
Kadaknath feed consumption chart is given below and this bird feed chart contains daily feed management from 1st week to 72 week.
Shell grit
Mineral mixture
Fish meal
Sunflower meal
Soya meal
0 - 8 Weeks
Brooder mash
59 gram
0.50 gram
2 gram
10 gram
24.50 gram
4 gram
9 - 19 Weeks
Grower mash
40 gram
10 gram
0.50 gram
2 gram
6 gram
7 gram
10.70 gram
23.80 gram
20 - 72 Weeks
Layer mash
57 gram
0.50 gram
5.00 gram
2 gram
9 gram
7 gram
14.40 gram
5 gram
Temperature required for kadaknath chicken farming
These birds can survive in temperatures ranging 16 to 35 °C. However, 20° to 26° C along with 50 to 70% humidity is the best temperature for kadaknath farming.
How how long kadaknath hen starts brooding eggs
kadaknath hens start brooding eggs after 6 months however, they are poor brooders and produce only 100 to 125 eggs in a year. Kadaknath hatching eggs price is quite huge so it is necessary to take care of the egg during blackbird hatching time.
Kadaknath hatching eggs
Crack eggs are not good for hatching. Very small or very large eggs do not hatch well. Thin and mushy eggs do not hatch well.
What are the five important factors for successful incubation and hatching of eggs?
Five important factors for successful egg incubation and successful hatching of eggs in poultry are given below
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Ventilation
- Position of eggs
- Turning of eggs
Among these 5 temperatures plays an important role in bird incubation.
Temperature classification for successful incubation and hatching of eggs
- During an embryo growth temperature should be over 24° C.
- Below this temperature embryonic growth can collapse.
- Temperature required for the first 18 days - 37.5° C.
- Temperature needed for the last 3 days 36.9° C.
- Humidity required for first 18 days during incubation - 55 % to 60 %.
- Humidity needed during hatching period 65 % to 75 %.
- Carbon dioxide to be maintained between 0.3 % to 0.5 % to reduce the failure in hatchability.
Egg position during hatching process
- Place the large part of the egg up because the head of the chick develops at the large end of the egg near the air cell. This process needs to be done for the first 18 days.
- In the last 3 days when the hatching process takes place, place the eggs in a horizontal position.
- Commercial incubators make the hatching process easier. They turn the eggs a minimum of 8 times in a day. The slow rotation of the egg needs to be done to reduce embryo mortality.
How to take care of kadaknath chicken
After successful chicken hatching process it is recommended to follow the below given steps
Newborn Kadaknath chicks care
- Select a clean and dry brooder to place newly hatched chicks.
- Temperature required for brooding areas should be between 35° to 37.5° C. This temperature is needed for chicks until they are fully feathered.
- Reduce the temperature by 2.5° C every week for one month.
Health benefits of kadaknath chicken
- Kadaknath chicken meat is good source of protein.
- Due to antioxidant properties black chicken is able to protect eyesight.
- Black chicken has the important and valuable nutrients to promote body health.
- They are low in cholesterol
- Kadaknath chicken is a good source of vitamin B including B1, B2, B6 and B12.
- Black chicken has a good amount of Vitamin E that is helpful to prevent blood clot and it also reduces the risk of coronary artery disorder.
- Black chicken is a good source of iron, phosphorus, and amino acids.
- They are capable of boosting energy easily.
- Black chicken is good for women's health. It promotes regular menstruation as well as fertility.
- The consumption of black chicken is good for asthma and it also treats headaches.
Kadaknath chicken farming FAQ
How long does the chicken hatching process take?
It commonly takes 5 to 7 hours to hatch. Some hen birds also take 12 to 18 hours to hatch and they may take up to 24 hours to completely hatch.
What is the lifespan of kadaknath chicken?
Kadaknath chicken lifespan is nearly 12 years. Whereas the black bird takes around 1 year to reach at the weight of 1.5kg to 2 kg
What is the price of kadaknath chicken?
The cost of kadaknath chicken is Rs 700 - Rs 800 per kg and it goes high during festivals near Rs 1500 per kg.
What is the color of kadaknath chicken?
kadkanath chicken meat color is greyish black.
What is the color of kadaknath egg?
kadaknath egg colour is brown to slightly pink.