Today, We will help you to gather information about how to apply for poultry farm subsidy. This post consists of eligibility criteria and documents required for opening poultry hatchery in Haryana. By the end of this post you will be able to check the status of the poultry farming unit. To get information about poultry farming business plan click the link and you will be diverted to another post which will reveal the benefits of poultry farming in India and poultry farming in Brazil.
Poultry farming subsidy aim
- Main purpose of subsidy to farmers is to encourage poultry farming in Haryana.
- Create self employment opportunities.
- Through this government is creating opportunities for those farmers who don't have their own lands and are working as laborers in others farms
- The government is aiming to improve the social and economic condition of the weaker section. This is one of the important purpose of subsidy to farmers.
- Improvement and development of poetry breeds.
- Another purpose of government subsidy to farmers is to improve nutritional status.
Chicken farming subsidies priority
Poultry farming subsidy in Haryana is being started for all farmers but the government is eyeing small farmers first. With the help of hen subsidy the department will initially help landless, small labours, small farmers, unemployed people to install hen farms or hatchery and to arrange all the necessary things needed for good hatchery.
Deputy Director will submit the list of beneficiaries to assistant director after talking to government hatcheries of Hisar.
Hisar government is planning to develop a strong strategy for government hatcheries in Hisar. They are eying low cost hatchery with good quality hen in the future.

To strengthen the government chicken hatchery of Hisar, a fund of of up to Rs 30 lakh will be allocated under the scheme. And after that the chicken will be supplied to the beneficiaries from the govt chicken hatchery in Haryana, Hisar.
Features of subsidy scheme for starting poetry unit
It is a credit based scheme in which a small farmer can set up a poetry unit in Haryana and commercial banks will fund the poultry farming unit under agriculture finance.
- The Haryana government has set a target of setting up at least 1,000 poultry farms in the state.
- These units are capable of selling chicken and eggs anytime, anywhere by cash payments.
- The government is also providing the marketing facilities to poultry farmers.
Advantages of poultry farming subsidies
Advantages of poultry farming subsidy in Haryana are given below
- The department will provide 8 to 10 chickens free of cost to each beneficiary family from the hatchery.
- Apart from this the beneficiary family will also get 2 water drinks or 2 feeders supply free of cost.
- Two water drinks and two feeders will be procured by the deputy director of the district and the same will be distributed to the beneficiaries.
- Government will also provide the facility and help poultry farmers to transfer the hens from one place to another place.
How to apply for poultry farm subsidy FAQ
To apply for a poultry farming subsidy you should be aware of the following details including eligibility criteria, documents required for subsidy, government website address, status of subsidy all these terms are given below in detail.
Who can apply for poultry farm government subsidy?
Almost everybody can apply for poultry farming govt subsidy. Read the below given details for more clarification.
Ground entitlement - The person who is having below 2.5 acre land is able to participate in this poultry hatchery subsidy scheme.
Widow ladies - Widow ladies from Haryana are able to participate in the subsidy scheme in Haryana so that they can become self dependent.
People with residence facilities but don't have their own animals and used to do animal husbandry for others are also eligible for poultry hatchery subsidy in Haryana..
Government has started this poultry subsidy scheme for residents of rural areas of Haryana.
People living below poverty line - Hen farm subsidy scheme is basically for those people who are living below poverty line in Haryana. People related to government jobs are not able to participate in this poultry farming yojana.
What are the documents required for poultry farm?
- Aadhar card - Aadhar card is compulsory to participate in Haryana government subsidy schemes for farmers.
- Ration card - To avail the poultry hatchery subsidy you have to submit the photocopy of the ration card along with the subsidy application.
- Affidavit of being unemployed - Through this optimistic hen subsidy scheme Haryana government is trying to to help the poor farmers and labours who are unemployed. So it is compulsory to attach the affidavit of unemployment to reduce the chances of cheating.
- Passport photo - Attach 1-2 passport size photos in your poultry farmer subsidy form.
- Local certificate - Haryana people must submit proof of place of origin.
- Land paper - To open hen poultry farm beneficiaries have to submit the photocopy of their land.
How to apply for hen farming unit
- Applicants need to visit Haryana Government website click on this link and you will be diverted to Haryana government website for hen subsidy in Haryana.
- Fill your details including name, place, mobile number etc.
- To get sms and emails click on the validate button.
- After filling the complete form your applicant id will appear on the screen. You can use this applicant ID to check the status of your application.
How to check poultry farm registration status?
- First visit at Haryana government website ( link given above).
- Then choose the track option.
- Submit your application reference number
- Now click on check status
- Helpline number - 18002000023
Poultry farm subsidy scheme information?
Information about poultry farming subsidy are given below
- In Hisar one can get Rs 3 lakh subsidy for purchasing 500 hens, feeding cost, basic needs in poultry farming etc. Through this government is also developing the govt hatchery in Haryana, Hisar.
- A subsidy of Rs 15 lakh is given for raising 50,000 chickens at the rate of Rs 30 per hen.
- Rs 5 lakh subsidy is given to the beneficiary on 2 water drinkers, 2 feeders supply and hen transportation.
- Beneficiaries can get a total Rs 50 lakh subsidy in poultry farming business.