Ways to find tree cutting service near me | STN

People plant trees on their farms but don’t know about tree cutting service near them. This post helps finding tree cutting services near you. Tree cutting price per tree, contractors and labourers’ contact numbers are also shared who perform tree removal services in India.

Ways to find tree cutting service near me

You don’t need to worry about harvesting trees because when your trees grow up contractors who give tree trimming services will contact you. It’s their business and they keep an eye on their nearby regions to get business. If they can’t reach you can also contact them by visiting a wood market in your city.

Through the local wood market, you can get contact numbers of contractors providing tree cutting service near you. Some contractors’ and labours contact numbers are given below in the table.

Tree cutting service contractors numberLabours contact number1 tree cutting price
Ashlam 8171617868, Budhan 9012347359, Gagalhedi 7818050899.7248239766, 9675150920.Rs 50 to Rs 60 depends on region to region.
Tree cutting contact numbers are given in the table.

While shooting a video for a YouTube channel a worker told me that they charge Rs 50 to cut the poplar tree from the bottom without removing roots and Rs 60 for removing the tree with the root. Poplar is one of the fastest growing evergreen trees that grows quickly in 4 years only. 

Tree cutting service

It is a service provided by some people in which they remove the tree from the root or cut the bottom of the stump. In the tree service, they offer tree pruning, trimming, removing multiple trees and harvesting a bunch of trees. The price may decrease or increase depending on how many trees they are harvesting. 

Finding good tree cutting service near you

Apart from finding good tree services (for harvesting) people face another problem of getting good prices. Contractors who reach them may offer low prices. I will give you two solutions and contact numbers to help end these problems. 

Visit a wood market near you

If contractors will directly contact you they may offer low prices for harvesting the wood. So it’s good to visit your nearby wood market. In India, almost every city has a wood market like the vegetable market. By visiting the nearby wood market you will get an idea of the tree-cutting price in your region and after that, you can negotiate with contractors and may get some other contractors’ contact numbers. 

In North India Jagadhri and Yamunanagar wood market is the biggest wood market. After harvesting you can sell your trees in these mandis to get higher prices. It is good to approach small wood markets in or near your region.

Make a farm video with regional Youtubers

If you have a YouTube channel then you must upload the video in the channel. If you don’t have a channel then collaborate with regional YouTubers. While collaborating, don’t refuse small YouTubers having fewer subscribers as they are regional and may get you a good deal.

Advertise farm wood through Youtubers is a good and cost-effective idea. It’s good to collaborate with YouTubers and make a farm video offering to sell farm wood and appealing to contractors to reach you by giving your contact numbers in the video and description. People living in Uttarakhand can contact us to make videos or advertise on websites.

Conclusion – A viewer can get tree removal services’ contact number getting strategy after reading this blog. Apply these basic tips to get contractors’ contact numbers, some contractor’s contact numbers are shared. 


How to find tree cutting contractors near me?

By visiting wood markets, furniture shops, through agriculture YouTubers or via farming websites you can contact local contractors residing or offering tree removal services in your region.

What is the tree cutting service price in India?

The price may vary according to region. In Uttrakhand, the wood-cutting price is between Rs 50 to Rs 60 per tree.

Give some contractors contact numbers who provide tree service in India.

Ashlam 8171617868, Budhan 9012347359 and Gagalhedi 7818050899 provide tree cutting service in the Uttarakhand region of India.

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