Farmers cricket league (FCL) idea can grow farmers revenue, create company and Indian govt GDP. FCL idea is shared here: launch FCL and create a big company.
IPL has become a biggest platform where local & domestic cricketers get a chance to play for India and internationally. Similarly there should be farmers Cricket League to help farmers also helpful to grow Indian GDP. This post explains the farmers’ condition, how FCL can improve farmers’ revenue, huge tax submissions by 70% people resulting in growing India with a handsome GDP.
Farmers Cricket League FCL to help farmers and grow gdp India
India is known as an agricultural country where more than 60% to 70% people are dependent on agriculture for their daily survival.
Farmers tax low poor Indian GDP
In comparison to agriculture the country gets much more taxes from other sectors like banking, manufacturing, cosmetics etc. This shows the condition of farmers in India. This is one of the reasons India is still not a developed country and after doing lots of effort it is still a growing country and will remain a growing country until solving this barrier. Class 7th students also know this and the government also knows this but their think tank don’t have an idea yet.
If 70% of people out of 100% population are doing cultivation and that field is not able to produce good revenue and not able to contribute the sufficient tax to the government then how can that country become a developed country?
When farmers are able to generate more income they will automatically submit more tax and when 70% people will submit a good amount of tax the country will definitely grow. At the time 30% people from different sectors are submitting more tax than 70% farmers which is a drastic situation and pulling back India from becoming a developed nation.
Farmers are 70% people and they need help. However they are getting a good number of farming schemes from the government but the most schemes are on paper not practically.
The Indian Premier League is one of the biggest tournaments in the world. Taking inspiration from IPL India should start fcl farmers Cricket League to help farmers in which age should not be a barrier as most farmers are above 30 and 40 years.
FCL should be treated as a professional Cricket League for farmers. Farmers canteen is my another idea to help farmers.

FCL Farmers Cricket League
Surprisingly, the BCCI is not able to think about this big revenue source as most people are farmers in India. If BCCI or some other organization is able to launch FCL Cricket League it will not only help farmers but also the company will grow like a rocket and increase Indian government GDP because when 70% people will submit more tax it will definitely add more value than 30% people who are currently submitting more tax than 70% people.
How to make farmers Cricket League team
India is a big country having 28 states. Farmer Cricket League should be started from the root where every farmer from the small village to city should get a fair chance to play.
First collect the data of farmers and farmers who are only dependent on farming should get a chance on priority.
Now organise tournaments on district levels where villages should also be included and make a district team. In India one state has multiple districts so organize FCL tournaments between all districts at one place.
Select playing 11 and top 15 players during the FCL district tournament. These players can represent a state FCL team for that particular state. Apart from selecting 15 players, the rest of the players should be treated as domestic FCL players of that state.
Similarly organize FCL tournaments in every state and create top 15 to 25 teams to participate in Farmers Cricket League (FCL). I know it is a bit difficult but not impossible.
When farmers play cricket the whole India will watch the match as you know 70% people of our population are farmers. You can’t even think about the revenue, it will be many times more than IPL.
FCL Format
Similar to IPL the FCL format should be on an international level so that players and organizations take it on a serious note.
To maintain the professionalism allow National and International cricketers with domestic farmers to play in one FCL team.
Our assumption is the company, organisation or BCCI who ever will first launch this FCL idea on ground can generate many times more income than IPL.
Conclusion – Today I shared the Farmers Cricket League (FCL) idea, and explained how the farmers cricket league can increase farmers revenue, companies’ quick growth as well as Indian government GDP.