Earth hour is celebrated globally on last Saturdays of March between 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm every year. Whereas Earth day is celebrated on 22nd April of every year. In this post we will understand about earth hour and its starting reason.
Earth hour day meaning
Earth hour is a trend followed by more than 180 countries. On the eve of earth hour a message is delivered by the whole world by switching off the lights for one hour in evening at 8:30 Pm to 9:30 Pm. During this time millions of people prays for the sake of the whole world. Today is 27th of march and more than 180 countries are participating. People feel togetherness and earth hour day also represents unity of the world.
Read this - All Earth day theme list and founder
Earth hour beginning
Earth hour day was started by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). It was started on 31st march 2007. First time earth hour day was organized in Australia (Sydney) where people were requested to switch of the lights for 60 minutes, later it became popular worldwide.
Reason to start earth hour day
To protect our nature and save electricity are two main reasons behind the earth hour day. Earth hour day is a mission started by (WWF) World Wide Fund for nature through this mission the WWF is motivating the people to save electricity and environment for the sake of the earth and people.
Earth hour day in India
India has join this super mission two years later, 2009. Although, people are more aware but still needs to protect our rivers. In 2009 when first earth hour day was celebrated in India total 58 cities participated at that time now this ratio is increasing day by day.
Earth Hour lights off time
Lights off in India time & important places
President house, Parliament house, India gate, Gate way of India, BSES New Delhi, Historical buildings. Lights are being closed during 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm in India.
Lights off time and places in world
Eiffel tower, New York empire state building, Burj khalifa (Dubai), Historical buildings, House of participant people. Lights off during 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm globally.

Benefits of earth hour day
There are lots of benefits of earth hour day if implemented regularly. First it will save huge amount of electricity 2nd and most important this effort is capable of purifying nature, environment. If our environment is safe then it will produce good impact on the whole world including agriculture department.
It can boost organic farming. If organic farming is appreciated then ecosystem of farmer will increase and if farmer will grow then nation will grow. Moreover, world will grow because it is a chain system which is connected with each other.
Earth hour day ideas
In my opinion every individual has own view and if some one is having their own opinion or view they should help others by sharing it. I strongly invite you to comment below and give your valuable suggestion respect to earth hour.
My suggestion - I believe days of earth hour day should increase. If it is impacting in a good way while performing just one day in a year imagine if number of days will increase how good performance it can contribute. I highly recommend to organize or celebrate the earth hour quarterly in a year it means 3 times in a year i.e after every 4th months.
There must be a law that should implement worldwide. According to that law every human being should adopt one tree and it must be compulsory. There should be age categories starting from 15 years to 65 years.
Responsibilities can be divided like schools must be responsible for students to perform this activity, I know schools are doing this at present also but it seems just a formality if you need a good positive result then it must include in report cards and marks should be given for caring and planting plants, later that should grow as a tree.
This same thing can implement in offices where employer should organize these types of activities so there employees can participate and can be rewarded for planting a plant and taking care of that plant for regular years.
People who are retired and crossed the age of 60 -65 must encourage there children and grandsons for this beautiful life event.