Coconut farming profit per acre project report 

Coconut farming profit per acre is given in the project report mentioned here. Coconut trees are harvested 8 times a year and start bearing fruits in the 6th year. The project report gives an analysis of 6 years.

Coconut tree starters bear fruits after 6 years and the tree yields on average 35 nuts at one time. A tree produces 35 to 75 nuts but only healthy trees produce above 55 nuts up to 75 nuts a time. The coconut tree is harvested 8 times a year and each time gives 35 nuts. It means 1 tree produces 280 nuts in a year. Thus 200 trees will produce 280 nuts x 200 trees = 56000 nuts. Coconut farming profit per acre after 6 years is Rs 24,45,000 after deducting the average cost of Rs 3,55,000.

Coconut farming profit per acre project report 

It is a helpful in-depth project report for people who want to start coconut farming in India. cost and profit are calculated below:

Coconut farming cost per acre

  • Coconut sapling price = Rs 50
  • Coconut plantation per acre 180 to 250.
  • Let’s assume 200 plants are planted in 1 acre.
  • Plant purchase cost = Rs 200 x 80 = Rs 10,000.
  • Land preparation cost = Rs 10,000.
  • Labour cost = Rs 15,000.
  • Fertilizer cost = Rs 8000.
  • Irrigation cost = Rs 8000.
  • Drip cost = Rs 50,000.
  • Plant protection charges = RS 8000.
  • Miscellaneous cost = Rs 10,000.
  • Total cost 1st year = Rs 1,19,000.

Coconut trees start bearing fruits after 6 years so calculate cost for 6 years.

The 1st year cost calculated above now calculates the 5 years cost.

  • First reduce one time cost from 1st year cost.
  • One time cost = drip cost Rs 50,000 + Plant buy cost Rs 10,000 = Rs 60,000.
  • Cost = Rs 60,000 – Rs 1,19,000 = Rs 59,000.
  • Rs 59,000 is 1 year cost after reducing 1 time cost i.e. drip and plant cost.
  • Now multiply Rs 59,000 with 5 years.
  • 6 year cost = 5 x Rs 59,000 = Rs 295000.
  • Total 6 year cost = Rs 2,95,000 + Rs 60,000.
  • Total 6 year cost = Rs 3,55,000.

Profit per acre

In north India 1 coconut price = Rs 50 to Rs 80.

  • Let’s assume the price is Rs 50.
  • Now calculate coconuts per acre
  • To know coconuts per acre we should know trees and yield data.
  • Coconut trees per acre = 200 trees.
  • Coconut yield per tree = Average 35 nuts to highest 70 nuts.
  • Let’s assume 1 tree yield = 35 nuts.
  • A tree is harvested 8 times in a year and every time it produces an average 35 nuts.
  • 1 tree yield after 8 harvest = 35 nuts x 8 = 280 nuts.
  • 200 trees yield after 8 harvest = 280 nuts x 200 trees = 56000 nuts.
  • Coconuts per acre = 56000 nuts.
  • Now calculate coconut profit per acre: Multiply number of nuts (56000 nuts) with its price which is Rs 50.
  • Profit per acre = Rs 50 (coconut price) x 56000 nuts (number of nuts per acre).
  • Profit per acre = Rs 2800000.
  • Net profit = Rs 3,55,000 – Rs 2800000.
  • Net Profit = Rs 24,45,000.

Note – This is the assumption of the project report and actual figures may vary according to market price, demand and other things. 

Conclusion – This project report taught you about the estimated coconut farming profit per acre. However, it is an estimated report but prepared with honesty and experience. This report will help people who want to start coconut farming in India. Now they are aware of arranging the average budget for cost. To read about coconut farming best practices you can use our search box and search coconut in that box.

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