Survey which type of agriculture apps in India you need 

It is a survey post written for farmers. Please tell in the comment box which type of agriculture apps in India you need. 1 idea can bring change in farming.

Which agriculture mobile app you are using to make your farming easier. Your suggestions in the comment box are valuable, will be appreciated and the most demanding thought may be executed as a portal or app. What agri app helps you most, which one you use mostly or is there any app or portal that will be helpful in cultivation.  

Survey which type of agriculture apps in India you need 

You guys have been valuable readers of STN so you need to be appreciated. We are going to develop an agriculture app or portal and need your help to sort out the puzzle of the most demanding and useful app/portal. 

You guys know this better than us as you are practically involved in different types of cultivations. Think about the problem that you are facing in agriculture and that can be sorted out through apps and portals.

This post will give you some app/portal ideas, some may be community supported agriculture apps. You are welcome to share your feedback. STN asks you to give some suggestions about agriculture mobile apps or portals in the comment box or email us, id given at the bottom. 

Ideas of some agriculture apps in India 

Agriculture app development is required so some portal and app ideas are discussed below. Read them and think about what you need dear farmers, give your feedback and also tell which are your best apps for agriculture. 

Online portal to buy sell crops

Online portal where ordinary people can directly connect with the farmer through their mobile number and buy their crops as a 1st person without any mediator. There is already IndiaMART for this type of service but they charge a very high amount per month which all farmers can’t afford. 

So the idea is to give you this type of service at a cheap price or free depending on the app cost. If you need this type of app where you can get an inquiry for your farm crop, where you can sell crops then comment about it. It could be considered an agriculture marketing app.

Export crops outside India

Exporting the crops outside India is one of the biggest challenges that farmers face. Farmers don’t know the process, paperwork, eligibility and price for exporting. How many you guys are exporting your crop outside India and how many people know the quantity that you can export abroad. This app or portal will be useful for farmers who want to sell their crops outside India. If you need this kind of portal then comment about it. 

Import crops from outside India to India

Farmers are facing challenges for not only sending their crops outside India but also importing some important crops to India. They don’t know about the process, paper work and how to connect to the right person/company abroad. This portal can also be merged with the export portal. What are your valuable views on this? 

Farmers contact number app

My motive is to list 1000 contact numbers of farmers online to help other farmers. Any farmer can list their number in this app in the related category. Categories like fruit, vegetables, flowers, trees, herbs etc can be added to make this one of the best agriculture apps in India. Did you like this idea or heard about this before? Share your views.

Bring farmers online app

Through this app farmers can apply and list their business online. Here they can get websites for their farms and farming businesses from reliable sources like daddy blogs. They can get SEO services to rank their business high on Google.

Plant identifier app

This app will be useful to identify the plant species with basic history. Although there are lots of plant apps, agriculture apps in India that work fine are lesser. 

Apart from apps you can also tell which calculator you need that helps. Calculator that calculate trees in 1 acre in ft and mtr when you put distance is already created and you can check its functionality in STN.

Fertilizer app portal

Through the fertilizer app you can identify how much fertilizer is required to the particular plant, tree or any crop of specific age. India need some state farm app that can be used for services as well.

Plant age identifier app

This app identifies the age of the plant, tree or crop. Tell, you need a plant calculator, farm calculator app or an organic farm app.

Apps for investing in farming

Farming investment apps are already in demand in the USA. Are you investing anywhere? If not then you may need an agriculture investment app that guides farmers about easy and low investment plans. Farmers need the best apps for investment in urban farming as well as rural farming.

Crop market price portal

This portal will be helpful to give the real time price of the particular crop. It would be one of the agriculture market price apps that will show correct data due to real time price fetching. Best agriculture apps are needed to boom this sector. Our motive is to make the best farming app helpful for farmers.

Previous post in STN you read how American farmers are ahead of Indian farmers with gadgets and technology. It’s time to switch from old farming style to modern farming. Everywhere technology is making work easier. As a new revolution, agriculture robots are coming soon, experiments are going on in developed countries like Japan. 

Disclaimer – This post is written for survey purposes so that we can decide what to make, that helps farmers most. Your comments will be highly appreciated. Who knows, one idea can change farmers’ lives, so please share your valuable ideas. Don’t think that people will laugh at them. Every single idea or suggestion will be published in this post in the comment section and you can read that. Hoping to build the best kisan agriculture app in India with the help of farmers.

Conclusion – The conclusion is one better app or portal can sort out a big problem in farmers life. Through farmers’ suggestions a good farming apps can be created as they face practical problems in cultivation. One idea that can be executed can bring a beautiful change in agriculture. Some app/portal options shared and ideas asked by farmers.

Share your suggestion in the comment box or email at you can also share this content with your friends who you think have ideas.

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