Mahogany tree water requirements per day per tree

Are you growing mahogany trees, confused about mahogany tree water requirements? Per day per tree water quantity table given here, 36 litres of water a month.

Does mahogany tree need much water? Water requirement for mahogany trees per day per tree is given here. Don’t worry, this tree needs very little water, an average 36 liters a month for 1st 2 years. Water quantity reduces with the time, it needs less water than popular & eucalyptus.

Mahogany tree water requirements per day per tree

It’s a long timber tree mostly found in the Philippines and the African variety is popular worldwide. Thinking of starting a mahogany plantation! Confused on fertlizer and mahogany tree water requirements per day per tree. The correct answer for water is here, read another post in STN for fertilizer requirements of mahogany trees. 

This plant needs water in the initial days specially in 1st and to 2nd year. During the first month 1 tree needs 2-3 litres in every 2 days i.e. 7-9 litres of water every week. Like this the tree needs 9 litres x 4 weeks = 36 liters of water per month. This water quantity is needed for two month old plants for 1st two years from the plantation. 

In the initial days of mahogany plantation it needed water every week that means 4 times in a month. You can start reducing the water quantity after 1 year, and can give it water 3 times in a month. It means 9 litres x 3 weeks = 27 litres per month. Keep the same water cycle for 2nd year as well.

When the plant becomes a tree of 3 years to 4 years you can provide water twice a month for a 3 year old tree i.e 9 litres x 2 times = 18 litres and 12 to 15 litre water once a month for a 4 year old tree, after 4 years it needs very little or no water so you can provide water once in a two months for 5 year old tree. The demand is increasing because mahogany grows in most places in India, check out yours.

Be noted to adjust the water quantity as per soil and climate conditions of your region. See how mahogany tree looks in the below image.

mahogany tree

However, it is good to keep providing water to your trees at least 15 litres once a month. It is better to provide average 9 litres water twice in a month for 5 to 10 year old trees as well. 

No water needed during the rainy season and less water needed in the winter season increase the water quantity in summer season.

As per the experts this is the tree that needs less water or almost no water after some years. It still grows with less water after a few years but when you give better water to the tree it grows better, healthier and taller. 

Note – Mahogany tree water quantity is given here based on experienced mahogany farmers advice, who are managing nursery and doing cultivation for years. You can talk to them directly, the mahogany farmers number given in STN (use search box). 

Mahogany tree ageMahogany tree water per week per plant
2 month old plant2-3 liters 3 times a week and 4 times a month i.e 36 litres/month.
1 year old plant2-3 litres 3 times in a month i.e 9 litres x 3 weeks = 27 litres per month.
2 year old plantSame as 1st year.
3 year old plant9 litres 2 times in a month i.e. 9 litres x 2 times = 18 litres.
4 year old tree9 to 15 litres once a month.
5 year to 10 year old treeWater once in 2 months.
Any age plant or treeNo water during the rainy season.
The above table shows the mahogany tree water requirements based on experts’ opinions.

Soil requirements 

It is a soil friendly tree that can grow in almost all types of soil. Therefore people are able to do mahogany cultivation in Rajasthan’s desert soil, Bihar’s humid soil, Bangalore’s moist soil and Assams rainfall area where most soil is humid and moisturised. 

You can plant it in almost any type of soil but make sure the soil is healthy. As per agriculture experts you can make soil healthy by providing some cow dung. The soil with a proper drainage system is good for the growth of the trees. 

Mahogany trees demand worldwide

Due to the mahogany wood uses in multiple sectors the demand is very high for this timber. Its rot resistance capacity makes this wood demanding in ship and boat making companies.

Due to its natural shine it is demanded in high quality doors, windows and furniture making. As it is a tone wood so highly demanded in musical industries for making guitar necks and other instrument parts. 

Conclusion – The conclusion is however the mahogany tree needs less water than other trees but still it needs water. Average 36 litres of water is required per plant per month for the 1st 2 years. After 2nd year you can start reducing the water quantity as per the details given in the STN.

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