Topsoil, trimming, compost, no water after sunset, tricks to check the plants are underwater or overwater, avoiding using hot and cold water and the correct way to water the plants are some important tips that are useful for plant health care. The shared tips are applicable to both indoor and outdoor plants so kindly pay attention while reading.
How to care plants at home 7 best tips
1. Topsoil
The first tip for you is to try to loosen the regular topsoil of the plant. This will start easy aeration for roots and improve water absorption resulting in good plant health. To perform this activity take a sharp garden-digging tool and start losing topsoil an inch or 2 inches towards the upside. While doing this please take some care and don’t hit any of the uprooted roots. It might happen that a beginner might hit the main root of the plant but this can be learnt with time. To overcome this kind of mistake people should keep practising the top soil loosening activity every month for almost all types of plants vegetables, and indoor, and outdoor plants.
2. Trimming
Regular trimming of all plants is necessary for better plant growth. The trimming technique depends on the type of plant. Money plants and monstera plants are such plants that have trails just cut the end of the plant to make these plants thrive better. This will stop the vertical growth (land to the sky) of the plant and your plant will grow by side thus it will become bushier and the growth rate will improve automatically.
Rubber plants and fiddle leaf figs grow vertically with thicker stems and broad leaves while cutting them from the top will improve the side growth of the plant. This tip is useful for every plant that was not grown in the recent past.
3. Compost
Collecting all the dry leaves and start using them as compost is important for plant growth organically. By doing this you can also get rid of pests and diseases that occur during chemical use. Through plant and home waste, you should prepare your own fertilizer. You can find a specific post on how to prepare fertilizer at home via this link. Compost making at home is very easy and to make compost one needs kitchen waste, curd, soil and some dry leaves. Add all of them to make good compost within a month or two months. You can use a pot to make compost, it is a utensil made of terracotta having some holes for aeration and is specially designed for compost making. You can also use a pot that doesn’t have holes instead you can make some side holes and bottom holes into it for the aeration process.

If you don’t have a pot you can simply start with a bucket. The frequency is important and it should be once in two months when adding fertilizers to outdoor garden plants. Please increase the frequency once in 28 to 30 days while growing the plants in pots. The limited amount of nutrients in the pot is the main reason to increase the fertilizer frequency for pot plants. Adding water to pot plants nutrients to be lost along with water. Therefore one must regularly add nutrients to the pot plants in some forms.
4. Stop watering plants after sunset
A proper schedule is required on when and how to water plants. Early morning is the best time for watering plants please don’t water your plants after sunset it may cause root rot problems. While watering plants in the evening will make stand the plants in the water for the entire night. The evaporation will be lesser in the evening and at night. When the sun comes out and the temperature heats up both indoor and outdoor plants result in stress on the plant due to the loss of moisture.
5. How to check if plants are overwater or underwater
Overwatering affects the plants more in comparison to underwatering. One must know when to water the plants but first, check whether they need water or not. To find out the water situation touch the soil and if it is found sticky and sticks on your fingers that means there is already enough moisture available which means they do not need the water. Please do not water the plant whether it is an indoor or outdoor plant. This is the easiest way to identify when to water your plants. Broadleaf plants lose water very quickly due to their wide and broad leaves some examples are rubber plants, andromeda plants, aglaonema, monstera, and fiddle leave. Because of the height, the rate of evaporation would be more in these plants.
For succulents, the same formula of checking the mud bottom layer doesn’t work. Because succulents are desert plants and the desert plant store water in themselves. Instead, you can break the leaves to see if they store water inside them. Succulents don’t need much water even if the soil is found completely dry from top to bottom. A more important tip is one can underwater these kinds of plants but avoid over-watering these plants otherwise, they may die.
6. Avoid using very cold or hot water
Very cold or hot water is not good for the health of the plants. Hot water can burn the leaves of the plant and is also not good for the roots whereas cold water can slow down the soil aeration process.
7. How to water plants
Watering Kane is a good choice for watering purposes because it delivers water in the form of falls which don’t harm the plant. If you don’t want to buy then use a bottle and make some holes in its cap then apply water to your plants. If you have only 1 to 2 plants you can use my trick which I often use in watering my garden plants. Put your other hand above the plant and smoothly throw the water on your hand it will reduce the pressure of direct fall on the plant and by performing this small activity you can keep your plants safe.
When to water plants?
One should water plants early morning.
Is side stem removal useful or not for fruit-bearing?
Yes, if you want quick fruits on your plants then you must remove the other stems including tiny stems and let the plant give the total energy to the main stem resulting in quick fruit-bearing.
Do succulents need regular water?
No, succulents are desert plants and store water in them therefore they do not need regular water. Regular water may damage them so avoid regular watering succulents.
Is topsoil loosening important for plants?
Yes, topsoil loosening is important for plants. Topsoil loosens allowing aeration for roots and improving water absorption.
When to give fertilizer to plants?
It depends on the plant type, generally, 45 days to 60 days are preferred to provide compost or fertilizer to plants.
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