Project Report
- ginger farming profit- ginger production cost and return analysis is important before starting ginger farming process look at the stats given below
- Seed price Rs 35 to 150 per kg
- Rs 40 X 1000 kg (seeds for 1 acre) = Rs 40,000
- Drip irrigation cost = Rs 35,000 to 60,000 accordingly, now check out the below box
Cultivation cost per acre
Numbers | Material | Cost |
1 | seed cost | Rs 40,000 |
2 | Drip Irrigation | Rs 45,000 |
3 | Fertilizer | Rs 5,000 |
4 | FYM Cost | Rs 6000 |
5 | Irrigation charges | Rs 7000 |
6 | Plant protection charges | Rs 3000 |
Header | Enter your text here... | Header |
7 | Labour charges | Rs 3,700 |
8 | Transporting charges | Rs 1300 |
9 | Miscellaneous charges | Rs 1500 |
10 | 10 % of total cost | Rs 11050 |
Cell | Enter your text here... | Cell |
Cell | total cost | Rs 1,21,550 |
Ginger farming profit per acre
ginger yield per acre = 6 to 10 tonnes.
6 ton = 6000 kg.
Market price of ginger varies between Rs 15-80 and some time above Rs 150 according to season and region.
Let's take average ginger rate today Rs 35.
Rs 35 X 6000 kg = Rs 2,10,000.
Profit = Rs 2,10,000.
Net profit = Rs 2,10,000 (profit) - Rs 121550 (cost).
Net Profit = Rs 88450.
Note - The above given stats may differ according to ginger current market price and if you have your own ginger seeds and not using drip irrigation or already installed in this case your investment will be minimal and profit will increase.
Read this - Ginger yield per acre and farm income
How to start ginger cultivation for profit
Follow the basic steps given below for better yield.
High yielding varieties of ginger kuruppampadi, Himchal, Erad, Wayanand, Nadia. While talking about exotic variety Rio- de – Janeiro is one of the popular variety, ISSR Varada variety. Suprabha, Suruchi, Suravi, Himgiri, Mahima, Rejatha, Karthika, Athira, Awasthy are few verities that are named according to the locality.
Forms of ginger - Ginger dry, fresh, powder and oil.
Soil required in ginger cultivation
Black cotton soil, smooth, sandy clay, red and loamy are few soils that can be used in ginger cultivation.
During the selection of soil one must select the soil field where water does not stand you should select the above given soil for ginger cultivation it is highly recommended to select a soil that has proper drainage system because this crop cannot tolerate standing water. Due to excess water ginger root rot can cause moreover standing water may result in various diseases like dumping syndrome, blight disease, nematode disease
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Soil test importance
Soil PH level for ginger cultivation should be between 6.5 to 7.5 it is necessary to maintain the ph level of the soil. Moreover soil test is necessary after soil test you can easily identify the ph level of the land and can choose the appropriate crop according to the ph level of particular farm. To diagnose the availability of organic material, micronutrients, NPK quantity etc soil test is necessary.
Seed sowing time
Best time to plant ginger roots is April-May month due to the humidity and rainy season on the door, 1 kg ginger price in India varies between Rs 15 to Rs 80 and some time more then Rs 100 according to ginger season in India.
Seed selection
The size of the seed ginger is called rhizome, one should select larger rhizome piece to increase the growing speed of the ginger. After purchasing seeds it should be cleaned and dried for 15-20 days and after drying process select a single piece ginger of 50 gram to 75 gram. After selecting seed dip rhizome in a mixture of mancozeb and water solution for 30 minutes then immediately start ginger plantation per acre.
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Carbendazim + mancozeb price is nearly Rs 300 (500gram) on amazon, mancozeb fungicide (Rs 160-Rs190 500gram) carbendazim, chlorpyrifos.
Organic method
While the seed treatment dip the seed in the cow dung emulsion, smoking the seeds before storage is another option and hot water treatment is also used by farmers. Apart from this you can use some other organic techniques and if you are interested read my another post called "organic farming techniques in India"
Drip irrigation
For irrigation you can use drip irrigation for better results and you will see ginger shoot out after 25-28 days at that time raise the height of the bed. After 3 to 4 months you should provide soil support to the crop by doing this quality and size will get more time to increase. After 8-9 months your crop will be ready for harvesting after implementing proper cultivation process ginger per acre yield will be around 6 to 10 tons'.
Seed rate of ginger per acre
Near about 600 to 750 kg.
Preparation of the land
First ploughing is necessary through and you can turn over the upper most soil and bring fresh nutrient oriented soil to the surface. Generally ploughed field is left to dry and then harrowed is done before planting. Furrows are the trenches cut by the plough.
While ploughing process you should use plough at least 1.5 feet deeper above 1.5 to 2 feet you may get some stones so you can do ploughing between 1.5 to 2 feet. The benefit of ploughing is soil gets flip over and proper sunlight, it maintains the ecology of the land and flip over of the soil is useful to bring small nematodes on the surface of the land where they dies hence it is also useful to prevent nematode disease in plants. It also improves the soil quality of the land, believe me its not new process it is performed in ancient time as well.
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After plough you have to use rotor machine on your farm the job of rotor is to brittle the soil of the field use this rotor machine agriculture as many times as you can the main motive to use rotor is to make soil more levigate or powdery. If the soil gets more pulverulent then it will be easier for propagation because it is under root crop and its root spread is good.
Bed preparation
Bed preparation is similar to bed capsicum preparation, 4.5 feet wide bed is good for planting ginger with minimum 1 feet height. While planting seeds there should be distance of 8 to 9 inch and 1 feet. You can use khurpi tool for digging small holes and germinating seeds, deep digging is not required only 2 inch flip over of soil is required to germinate this under root crop.
Ginger fertilizer
One need to organize ginger fertilizer schedule for proper feeding you need minimum 5 to 6 trolleys of cow rot dung and for better results you can use at least 8 to 10 trolleys of the rotted dung.
NPK fertilizer - npk should be in the ratio of 10:26:26. You can also use npk testing machine to know your product activity.
DAP, micronutrients, calcium magnesium Sulphur are some of the important substances used in cultivation, it is also possible with organic farming but you need to be quick while making organic fertilizers because it takes time to form.
There are plenty of ways to make fertilizer organically that can be used in ginger farming too. NPK is also formed organically to know the method of making organic fertilizer and organic pesticides you can check out organic farming techniques.
Storage rots, dumping syndrome, blight disease, nematode disease, soft rot, bacterial wilt, leaf spot, fusarium yellows and yellow diseases.
White grub – Sporadic pest basically small insect attack that attacks young rhizomes and roots of the ginger herb.
Bacterial wilt – In this disease ginger leaf turns brown and bit black it is the most common disease found in ginger during this disease ginger produces awful smell.
Dry rot – The small fungus called nematode is responsible for the rhizome rot, rotting begins with small darkish patches and spread slowly.
Soft rot – Rhizome gets rotten and leaves turns yellowish colour increases in rainy season.
Leaf spot – Small spots found in younger leaves of ginger it reduces the photosynthetic region.
Leaf management – Bordeaux mixture spray at least 3 to 4 time in the regular interval of 15 days.
How long ginger takes to grow?
Ginger takes 5 to 9 months to mature however farmers harvest ginger yield after 1.5 year as well.
Harvesting time in India
Basically it is a 9 month crop and you can harvest it after 5 months and after 9 months of planting. If somehow you don’t need the crop after 5 or 9 months then you can harvest it after 15 month long duration.
However, ginger yield per acre in Uganda and in Kenya is differ from India. It depends on there climate condition and market. Moreover, India is the largest producer of the ginger in the world and while talking about exports India holds 7th position.
Growing zone
However, it is grown largely in various regions of India moreover, southwest and northwest region contains warm and humid climate along with average rainfall hence more suitable for ginger production.
Health benefits of ginger
- Ginger is used in nausea treatment.
- It has such properties that fights against infectious disease
- It is very helpful in brain function activity therefore effective in protecting against Alzheimer’s.
- It is helpful in reducing muscle pain.
- It has good anti inflammatory effects.
- It helps maintaining sugar level.
- It is good for reducing cholesterol.
- It is good for respiratory system because it cleans the internal system.
A piece of a raw ginger contains 79% water, 18% carbohydrates, 2% protein and only 1% fat it also contains vitamin B6.
Ginger side affects – If someone is facing allergic reaction from ginger herb then it may result in rash on the body. Access of ginger can cause heart burn and other reactions an individual may get victim of gallstone after consumption of ginger, warfarin and aspirin are some other adverse affects of ginger.
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