6 Important calculator to make agriculture more effecient

Calculator to make agriculture more effecient are planting calculator, irrigation calculator, fertilizer, yield, livestock and profit margin calculator. 

Before making a calculator to make agriculture more effecient we should know what aspects of agriculture could benefit from calculations. Some basic aspects of agriculture could benefit from calculations are planting, irrigation, fertilization, harvesting and livestock and profit margin. There importance and calculator need is elaborated in this post.

6 Important calculator to make agriculture more effecient

There could be more calculators but while thinking deeply there are 6 important calculators that could help agriculture. Calculator to make agriculture more effecient are given below.

  1. Planting calculator 
  2. Irrigation calculator
  3. Fertilizer calculator
  4. Harvest yield estimation calculator
  5. Livestock feed calculator
  6. Profit margin calculator

Planting calculator need

Seed spacing and plant population are important and beginning steps of farming. If the farmer knows the area of the land and how far the seed should be spaced then the farmer can calculate how many plants they can grow. 

It helps in purchasing the right quantity of seeds. Therefore a seed spacing calculator that uses area and spacing between rows and seeds is needed.  

Irrigation calculator need

Water is very important and calculating the right amount of water is more important. The calculation should be based on crop types, soil and climate, maybe evaporation rates. Simplifying, water requirement as per the area and crop water needs. 

So, the calculator needed that could help in scheduling irrigation and saving water. Thus it becomes one of the calculator to make agriculture more effecient.

Fertilizer calculator need 

Some important nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and different crops need different amounts of nutrients. Some crops need more potassium, some need more nitrogen  and some need more phosphorus. 

If the farmer knows the recommended amount per acre or per hectare and their field size they can calculate how much fertilizer to apply. So, it is one of the calculator to make agriculture more effecient.

Current Nutrients (lbs/acre)

Desired Nutrients (lbs/acre)

Harvest yield estimation calculator

If the farmer knows the average yield per plant and the number of plants. Then the farmer can easily estimate total yield. This type of yield calculator would be helpful in planning, storage and sales.

Livestock feed calculator

This type of calculator is beneficial for those who are raising animals and want to calculate the feed quantity based on the number of animals and their weight. You can get a pig feed chart by age and weight in our website.

Profit margin calculator

This calculator is needed to calculate the net profit. After getting the estimated yield potential profit can be calculated. The profit based on market price and subtracting costs like seeds, fertilizer, labour, irrigation and fencing etc. 

These calculators are helpful in optimising resources, use, reduce waste and improve decision making in agriculture. It is a very important calculator to make agriculture more effecient as it helps farmers to check their pocket and think whether to start the particular farming or not.

Acres and hectares

Farmers might use acres or hectares so the agricultural calculator should contain and allow both units.

Implementation notes

Unit conversions – It includes option for acres (1ha = 2.47 acres) and option for lbs (1 kg = 2.2lbs).

Defaults – Preload crop specific values for example maize needs 100 kg N/ha. 

Tool design – Develop a mobile app or spreadsheet with input fields for each variable. 

From where to get agriculture calculators

It is basically a SEO company in India that also specialize in website designing and also builds different types of apps, tools and calculators. You can visit there website at daddyblogs . in.

To get an agriculture mobile app, tree spacing calculator, tree value calculator, corn profit per acre calculator or any type of calculator you can out reach Daddy Blogs. You can connect with this company and tell them that you need a calculator to make agriculture more effecient.

Daddy Blogs is one of the best website designing companies in India located in Uttarakhand. If you need seo services to scale your business on the internet then this is one of the most  affordable companies that offers premium seo services worldwide.

Conclusion – Now you know some of the needful calculator to make agriculture more effecient. Why these calculators are required, their need, importance and benefits explained.  Some important aspects of agriculture that could benefit from calculations are planting, irrigation, fertilization, yield, livestock and profit margin. 

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