Today is world bee day (May 20 2021) and my this post is dedicated to honey bees and all honey bee farmers.
- Bee farming does not stand only for honey production there are some more options that you can choose while bee farming in India or somewhere.
- In this post I will drag your attention to understand the concept of bee venom farming business; I will help you to identify the selling difficulties in this business and how to start bee venom business along with minimum investment and profit.
Minimum investment in bee venom business
Bee venom collector price is around Rs 10,000 to 11,000.
1 Bee hive box price in India varies between Rs 1,000 to Rs 5,000.
Price of one deep fridge is approximately Rs 6000 and above accordingly.
Materials required for bee venom business – 1. Two hundred mini boxes as bee house, these boxes looks like small huts 2. Electrical machine to obtain the venom of bees; 100 venom machines can be used to collect venom from 200 bee boxes. 3. Deep freeze is required to store bee venom.
How to start bee venom farming or business
- Bee venom farming is one of the most profitable farming businesses although it is highly profitable but difficult business. First you need a clean and crystal clear atmosphere where you can establish bee farming. Although, it can be establish on the roof as well but near or in between greenery will be best due to good atmosphere.
- After choosing a specific place you need some bee boxes you can start with 200 bee hive boxes, these mini boxes are actually house of bees in which bees are kept with the help of slates.
- Now you need an electrical machine called venom collector that is used to collect venom from bees. This machine does not harm bee sting and bee because the electric current is very low that only provokes bee to forsake the venom.
Honey bee venom price per kg in India
Price of 1 kg bee venom is approximately Rs 70 to 80 lakh and sometime it also crosses 1 crore. However, it is a highly profitable business but at the same time it is much more difficult business to do. First ever traceable honey in the world is in Cyprus.
Problems during bee venom collection methods
- Venom collector machine contains a square glass to collect bee venom and the main problem occurs due to the dust in the environment because while collecting venom on the glass small dust particles also adhesion on the glass that reduces the venom quality. This is why clean and clear environment is required for this business.
- Second major problem is less venom is collected in 2nd round, 2nd time venom collection is performed after 40 minutes of 1st venom collection.
Difficulties in selling bee venom
- Usually, farmer struggle to sell the bee venom and the main difficulty they face is they don’t have another option to sell venom apart from pharmaceutical companies secondly these companies does not show interest in purchasing 50-60 gram they demand for 1 kg venom together.
- Moreover, producing 1 kg venom is very costly for farmers because they need bee hive boxes around 1600 – 2000 and much more venom collector machines nearly 800; the price of one venom collector is around Rs 10,000 to 11,000 so it makes a huge difference and it becomes almost impossible for small farmer to invest such a big amount.
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Bee venom farming project report
- One thing is very clear that bee venom business is highly expensive and challenging business, its really tough to do this business but once you overcome all the challenges then you can taste huge profit from this single business, lets calculate –
- Minimum investment in bee venom business –
Suppose you have around 2000 bee boxes and 800 to 1000 venom collecting machine then you can easily collect 1 kg venom in the period of 1 year.
100 bee boxes produces 5 gram bee venom in 1 month.
100 bee boxes = 60 gram bee venom in 1 year.
1700 box = 1000 gram --> 1kg venom.
For 1700 boxes you need 800 venom colleting machines.
1 kg bee venom is approximately Rs 70 to 80 lakh.
1 venom collecting machine is around Rs 10,000 to 11,000.
i.e Rs 10,000 X 800 machine = Rs 80 lakh including other expenses.
So this is the approx figure to invest in venom farming on a large scale and when you will produce more than 1 kg bee venom that will be your profit.
Bee venom farming business FAQ
1. How much venom is generated from 100 bee boxes?
- I am sorry friends but it’s a hard truth, only 4.5 to 5 gram venom is produced from 100 bee boxes in one month.
2. How long it takes to collect 2nd fresh venom?
- You can collect 2nd time venom after 15 days of collecting 1st time. As human body gets ready to donate blood after 3 months, bees are ready to produce venom after 15 days.
3. How much bee venom can be collected in a year?
- It depends on how much venom collector and how much bee boxes are used to collect venom suppose someone is using 100 bee hive boxes then one can collect at least 5 gram bee venom in a month and 60 gram bee venom in a year.
4. Where to sell bee venom?
One can sell it to pharmaceutical sector where medicinal activity is done. This product can’t be sold anywhere else apart from medicinal sector.
5. Is bee venom good for health?
Bee venom health benefits -
- It is used for making medicines for people who are facing joint problem.
- Bee venom is largely used in pharma sector to prepare medicines.
6. What is the bee venom price per kg in India?
Per kg bee venom price in India is approximately Rs 70 to Rs 80 lakh.
Bio diversity Nature Maintenance Honey Bee
A virtual meeting was organized by krishi vigyan kendra under world bee day Amrit Mahotsav this meeting held for training and awareness programme on beekeeping for biodiversity conservation and entrepreneurship development. Through this virtual medium Sr. scientist Dr. A.P. Bhandarkar motivated participants to contribute in safety of bees, bees contribution in biodiversity and honey bee keeping farming business.
Scientist Dr. A. P Bhandarkar guided participants about bee safety, contribution of bees in biodiversity and how honey bee farming can change the lives of unemployed youngsters. Honey bee farming can be done on large scale in village areas along with goat farming, hen farming, cow farming due to the appropriate climate for honey bees and other animals.
In India, out of 5 types of bees some bees are used in commercial bee farming business, Italian bee and Apis mellifera bee are used in commercial honey bee farming.
If bees will disappear from the world then human being can survive only for 4 years.
Every year 22 May is celebrated as International day of biological diversity.
Pros and cons
While doing honey bee farming you have few more options like venom collecting business, royal jelly farming, pollen, wax and more.
I hope I was able to make you understand about bee venom farming if you have any doubt or suggestion feel free to ask or suggest.
Very nice information
Thanks for the appreciation.
Please let me know if any training available on Bee Venom Collection.
How long the bee venom can be kept(days/months)? And how much time will it take to collect the venom on a single machine?