Yes, Avocado farming in India makes farmers richer. Shepherd avocado in Australia, ettinger in India is used as B type with A variety of pinterton.
What are A varieties, what are B varieties and why A and B both are needed to plant in the same avocado farm is explained here. The best possible regions with 35°C most temp, drainage soil and good water system. Key point is wherever lemon grows the chances of growing this fruit increases due to similar needs.
Comment below if you are doing avocado farming in India or need more information on this expensive fruit.
Avocado farming in India making farmers richer
It is possible to generate 6 tons of avocado fruits in one acre. Some farmers are already doing avocado farming in India and earning good income. Read how to start avocado farming in India containing best practices.
Due to the huge health benefits avocados are very popular among fitness Greeks especially vegan and keto diet followers. It is recommended by doctors to eat avocados regularly as it regulates hormones and provides good fats.
What is avocado farming profit per acre?
Avocado fruit price in India is around Rs 1200/kg in the retail market. One fruit price is around Rs 200 to Rs 250. You can sell it wholesale and if you keep the wholesale price of avocado fruit around Rs 200 then also you can generate Rs 10 to Rs 12 lakh per acre.
What is the average cost in avocado farming?
Avocado plants are expensive, some are selling in Rs 300 to Rs 500 per plant and some are selling at Rs 3000 per plant as well. It depends on the variety, from where plants are coming and rootstocks.
In one acre 160-170 plants are planted. If you buy plants at Rs 1000 per plant then 160 plants x Rs 1000 = Rs 1,60,000 plant cost. After adding drip irrigation and other cost the total cost would be Rs 5 lakh.
Avocado farming
Avocado is also known as nature’s butter and in South India it is known as makkhan fruit. Avocados are one of the most expensive fruits in the world. It is well grown in hot and humid temperatures of Israel and using that technique in India as well earning Rs 10 to 12 lakhs per acre.
Avocado farming originally began in South America however the fruit belongs to Latin America.
How does avocado look after ripening?
The Israel variety avocado turns black when ripe and becomes soft also. Whereas the Indian avocado variety looks green even after ripening.
Where has avocado grown?
Hass is a hybrid variety of avocado and has avocado cultivation in the USA, Australia, and California is popular among farmers. New Zealand, India and some other countries are also growing this variety. Avocado lifespan is 20 to 25 years.
Has avocado turns black while ripening. The fruit is easily cuttable, it contains a single seed. Remove the seed from the fruit and use a spoon to eat it, it looks, feels and tastes like butter.

This is a very costly fruit that can also grow in India. It likes the climate conditions and atmosphere similar to lemons. The chances become high where lemon grows avocados can also grow. So, if you are doing lemon cultivation in your place then this fruit might grow best there.
Has variety grows best under 35°C temperature. Hence it can grow in all over north India regions including Uttarakhand, Shimla, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram Nagaland etc. It also grows in south India in Maharashtra.
What is the importance of avocado rootstocks?
Avocado rootstocks play an important role; it affects plant fruit size, yield, and good quality rootstock keeps plant disease resistant. Avocado salinity problem can be solved by getting good root stocks, israel avocado rootstocks are salinity resistant.
Avocado root stock is important to prepare other plants of hybrid variety that can produce better yield and good fruit size. Whereas preparing seeds from fruit seeds is ordinary, it doesn’t produce high yield and high quality plants.
Name some avocado varieties, types and their importance?
Hass, lamb hass and pinkerton avocado variety are 3 important varieties. Hass and lamb hass are black skin varieties. Pinkerton, ettinger and reed are green skin verities.
Pinterton variety grows best in hot humid conditions in India. It is slightly different from hass variety, hass become blackish after ripening whereas pinkerton becomes dark green. Pinkerton fruit size is bigger than hass.
Ettinger avocado is a type b variety which is important to plant in every avocado farm along with type a variety. If you have done pinkerton plantation in India then ettinger variety is also required in the same farm.
As pinkerton is type a variety and ettinger is type b variety. When pinkerton’s female flower opens then ettingers male flower will open which is required for cross pollination. When this happens then only honey bees are able to cross pollinate. More importantly, fruit develops after the pollination process.
In India ettinger is used as type b variety in Australia shepard is used as type b variety and in South Africa fuerte is used as type b variety. Avocado farms in Australia with shepard varieties are available to visit.
Why are avocados A and B varieties grown in the same farm?
Technical point is you have to plant two varieties in the same avocado farm. No matter if you are doing avocado cultivation in Australia, England, USA or India the method is the same. Farmers have to plant A and B, two different varieties of avocado. This is required for cross pollination.
Which are avocado type A and type B varieties?
In India ettinger is used as type b variety in Australia shepard is used as type b variety and in South Africa fuerte is used as type b variety. Avocado farms in Australia with shepard varieties are available to visit.
Which soil does an avocado plant need?
It grows best in well drained soil where water does not stand.
How much water does an avocado plant need to grow better?
Avocado plants need a good amount of water. If you live in a region where rainfall is lesser than rainwater harvesting is the solution.
20000 ltr per acre per day in summers in high temperature areas like Bhopal.
How long does avocado start bearing fruits?
After 3 years 1st fruiting occurs and after that it continues till more than 20 years.
Conclusion – The conclusion is avocado is one of the most profitable farming that you can also do in India in hot and good rainfall regions like Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim etc. Farmers are already doing avocado farming in India in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra etc.