Why linguda farming is not getting enough limelight in Uttarakhand ! Although fiddlehead ferns/linguda have suitable environment in Uttarakhand ! Is Government policy is lacking while selecting suitable crop for Uttarakhand cultivation. How to grow linguda or fiddlehead ferns in Uttarakhand, is linguda farming possible, fiddlehead ferns season,
But still not listed as a regular crop.
Today I will help you to understand the importance of one more unsung crop "Linguda" that has potential of producing big profits if utilized correctly. Fiddlehead is one of those crop which can change the destination of village farmers it is already making good profit in western Countries and is listed as regular crop.
I have listed this crop in my crop dictionary along with such crops those are helpful in Uttarakhand reverse migration. For more details...
Except mushrooms rest crops does not demand for much care they all are easy growing crops. Most important it is a bunch of cheapest investment crops having potential of producing high returns.
Crops are asking for encouragement from the Government of "Uttarakhand" @ of Reverse "Migration".
What is fiddlehead or linguda

Linguda is known as Fiddlehead in English language. Fiddleheads are generally natural growing crops used as vegetables, grown in jungles near by lakes and ponds. These plants are long necked with curly posture at the top. They grows around 2 to 4 feet of height.
Linguda is known as
In Garhwal region of Uttarakhand it is called languda and eaten as a vegetable in Kumaon it is known as limbra. Linguda or languda is known as fiddlehead in English language. Fiddlehead is called lingud in hindi.
Have a look at the given list -
Ostrich ferns were known as Fiddlehead ferns in the local language of America and grown widely in North America in spring.
Where do fiddleheads grow

I am from Garhwal, Uttarakhand way back we use to live at our villages where I have seen growing fiddleheads in my village my grandmother pronounce it as linguda, languda. I have mostly seen linguda's at our chappar; let me introduce chappar - Chappar is a place developed by villagers that consists of small huts where people use to live in winters along with there animals.
I still remember while going to deep jungles in search of kafal's (state fruit of Uttarakhand) we often found linguda's and my grandmother use to shout from the roof of the house 'kids bring some linguda's beside the canal'.
Hence I can assure you fiddleheads are jungle crop and mostly available in jungles near water, is the favourite place of these plants. Hence easily found near ponds, canals and lakes. Linguda's are natural growing crops that does not demand for any care so it is a easy growing crop that is found in hill areas - Garhwal and Kumaon region of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nepal, Jammu, Shimla, Arunachal Pradesh etc. It is also found in European Countries, U.K, America, Greenland, Holland etc.
When to plant fiddleheads
Linguda or fiddlehead ferns should be planted early in the spring that is May to June middle. Moreover, fiddleheads are both foraged and commercially harvested in the spring.
If you will ask in which season fiddleheads are available then I would say May to July months fiddleheads can be found in villages as well as in market .
How to Plant fiddleheads
First, purchase some crowns then you have to dig a hole that should be larger than the root ball of the plant then add extra loose soil around the roots then gently press to firm it up. Now complete the planting process by labeling the soil.
Crown - The crown is organized section of the plants with root attached. However, crowns are more expensive than seeds but needs less time to get ready for harvesting in comparison of seeds.
Note - Fiddleheads can't be grown by seeds. Hence crown's are used to grow fiddleheads.
Soil requirement for fiddlehead fern
Fiddlehead ferns grow well in fertile soil, rich in organic materials it prefers light shade or partial shade soil and capable of tolerating full shade as well.
Varieties of fiddlehead ferns
Fiddlehead ferns are eatable and often used as vegetables here are some popular varieties -
Can you grow fiddlehead from seeds
No fiddleheads can not be grown by seeds instead of planning for seeds you have to purchase crowns from the market. Crowns are organized section of such plants those have attached roots.

Health Effects
Fiddleheads contains various vitamins and minerals it also contains fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. They are also source of antioxidants. It is a crop which is rich in potassium however low in sodium. The side effect of some ferns is it can cause disease called beri - beri if consumed in extreme excess.
Side effects of Uttarakhand agriculture policy
Fiddlehead or linguda or we can say languda all are same. To start linguda farming especially in hill areas one just need to purchase crowns and need to plant them in their farms. Fiddlehead is easy growing natural plant which does not demand for any kind of care it is a jungle crop which grows better in partial shady soil and also capable of tolerating full shade.
Uttarakhand is one of the most suitable place, where linguda farming, if implemented, can set new milestones.
People are always in search of low investment crop so here it is. Moreover, the atmosphere of Uttarakhand can heroically support the cultivation of fiddlehead ferns.
From my childhood days to till date I have never seen such farming in Uttarakhand.
The Government is not able to implement reverse migration; reason behind this, is lack of ideas in the field of agriculture. Now some people may indicate me to go to the website of the government to look at the achievements.
In reverse I am asking just one question if the agriculture policy of Uttarakhand is successful then why migration problem remains same or instead of using why I should use why and how ? both !
I would like to ask? Have you ever seen the cultivation of kafal fruit. I am also aware of that it delivers fruit for a short time just once in a year but apart from that demand of kafal is pretty high in cities like Mumbai, Delhi but we are not able to deliver it first excuse is always ready from our agriculture department that is difficult to deliver due to transportation problem in hills.
Remember it is the state fruit of Uttarakhand and how it is treated by the government. It is already high time, you always can't beg people. If someone is having power then use it in favour of humanity and if you don't have any idea then you should ask people!
Stinging nettle or kandali plant is another example of unmotivated agriculture policy. Being Pahadi we all know about this plant but less people know that it has a power of revolution in cultivation it is used for making fibres. In European countries cultivation of kandali plant or stinging nettle is very popular then why not here ?
Read more about kandali plant farming in detail for that just type on google kandali plant farming - and you will find it on top.
Hemp farming is another example of our failure although license for hemp farming was first approved by Uttarakhand way back on 2017 and 2nd by Uttar Pradesh, but still we are waiting for some good results.
More happily I can say we are moving ahead in mushroom farming. We are growing in this sector slowly but steadily and divya rawat from chamoli brand ambassador of mushroom farming is working effectively to make it successful.
Agriculture department needs to promote these (kandali plant, kafal, hemp, mushroom, linguda ) unsung crops in such a way that it could connect youngsters and for that they should guide people about the potential of these crops. Moreover, they have to make some policies which can attract youngsters in agriculture sector.
If you have any suggestion or new idea about any crop please feel free to comment below.
Scope in fiddlehead cultivation
If you are serious about cultivation and willing to start a business in cultivation then must invest in such crops that are not expensive and can produce good returns.
Another point to think before investing in any field is selection of low competition subject means the particular subject is increasing day by day and creating some demand in market it might not be high demand in initial days and this is the opportunity to invest in the product.
Fiddlehead is one of the crop which has started gaining popularity in India specially in metro cities it is becoming the specialty of big restaurant's where they serve it as salad, pickles, coffee, vegetable soup, vegetable dishes etc. Fiddlehead ferns are also used to make coffees and are good attraction while using as an ornamental plants.
If you are from hill area then you must be aware of dishes made by fiddlehead ferns. Languda ki sabji, kisrod ka achaar are quite popular in hill areas like Kumaon-Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu etc.
Fiddlehead cultivation provides awesome opportunities in the field of food and beverages.
You can go to the site of amazon to check the price of fiddlehead pickle its between Rs 200 - 400 and above Rs1000 as well.
How much investment required in fiddlehead cultivation
First of all you need a land for the cultivation and if you are from high altitude area then you might have fair amount of farms, over there but if you are from other region and don't have land and willing to start cultivation business then you need to take a land on lease.